Glow || Rules and Info

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Book of the Month Rules for Fireflies Book Club:

01. Fireflies Book Club will introduce a Book of the Month, referred to as "Glow."

02. The Book of the Month will be selected based on members' performance in assignments, specifically considering the type of comments they make.

03. On the 1st and 15th of each month, the chosen book for Glow will be announced and posted for all members to access.

04. Every member of the Fireflies Book Club, except those on trial or hiatus, will be required to read minimum 1 and maximum 5 chapters of the selected book within 15 days.

05. Active participation in Glow is mandatory for all members in order to be eligible for future considerations.

06. When reviewing the chapters, members should provide 3-4 inline comments, each consisting of at least 2 sentences, along with 1 final comment on each chapter.

07. Use tag #ffbcGlow for the comments

08. If a member fails to participate in a Glow, they will receive 1 strike.

09. These strikes are different from the general Assignment strikes and will not impact on the assignments. These strikes will only be considered for further selection to be a glow.

10. If you have been a Glow once, you can be a Glow again after 3 months!

These rules aim to ensure active engagement and participation from all Fireflies Book Club members, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community that appreciates literature together.

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