Glow || Updates and Lives

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Hello and welcome everyone!

Please use tag #ffbcGlow from now on when you review a for a Glow event.

We have made some changes. We know each of of us are very busy with our lives and we have to complete our assignments too, so we don't want you all to stress about Glow.

You have to read only 1 chapter for the glow event and it is mandatory for everyone, otherwise– strike!

But these strikes will not be visible to you and is not related to assignments, these are totally different strikes. These will be recorded by us and only visible to us. These strikes will be used to determine your chances of becoming the next Glow!

You think thats it? No!

The fun part begins now.

1 chapter is the minimum requirement for Glow. You can review upto 5 chapters if you want.

What does that mean?

It means that you are free to choose how many chapters you want to review.

But why would I go extra miles and read more?

Because for each chapter you read and properly review, we will give you a ❤️ (life)

Wait, what is a life ❤️?

Just like you get strikes for not reading, you will get 1 (life) ❤️ for each chapter you review.

While we will use these lives as one of the parameters to select the next Glow, it is not the sole parameter. Strikes and how well you comment/review will be considered while choosing the next Glow.

Then what is the ❤️ (life) for?

Aha! Lets talk about that!

You can exchange the lives you accumulate for prizes!

These ❤️s will be added next to your name in our google sheets and we will notify you when you reach 10 ❤️s. We will also add your name in the Glow event if you have 10 or more hearts ❤️.  Remember, although you can exchange 3,5,7 lives– you can only start doing so once you reach 10 ❤️s for the first time!


Completing an Assignment after deadline but before the end of extension time will automatically cost you ❤️ ❤️ (2)

Skipping a Glow event without earning a strike– ❤️❤️❤️ (3)

• Your name and book in our bio for two weeks – ❤️❤️❤️ (3)

• Votes from both admins on 10 chapters of your book–  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (5)

• Removing one strike (oldest) from the normal Assignments– ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (7)

• Getting 2 of your chapters read and reviewed by one of the admins– ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (10)

• Skipping Glow parameters and becoming the next Glow (can only be done once every three months) – ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (13)

You can comment inline below, where mentioned, if you want to exchange your ❤️ lives for a prize.


• You can only exchange lives twice per month

• You cannot exchange lives for the same prize twice, consecutively. Prizes have a cooling period of two months.

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