the mansion .

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After walking another half mile or so I started hearing laughs and giggles . Some eerie laughs and uncanny giggles which was extremely shocking because no human was allowed in this forest except the government and people like me who work for the government . And no one , not even a bird let alone a wild beast had existed in this forest since the last century and currently only I was inside the forest . Nevertheless I ignored the laughs because I was more interested in solving this case and soon the laughs were accompanied with some perturbingly alluring guitar music . I had been walking for over an hour and the path seemed to go on and on forever . Suddenly something caught my eye , among all the animals dead yet brutally decorated bodies , I saw a human body , a dead one perhaps . I quickly ran towards it , wore my gloves and a mask , in order to inspect the body , I sat down . This body had cuts all over it yet still had that eerie devilish smile . I held its hand , in order to check the pulse , to make sure whether the person is dead or alive and to my surprise the body which appeared dead couple of seconds ago ,  held or rather grabbed my wrist as tight as possible , tight enough to restrict the blood flow and leave a goddamn mark and then the body stared at me and laughed , ......... laughed in the most demonicly creepy way possible . Shocked , I freed my hand with all the strength my body had and took a step back . And as soon as I stepped back , the path which seemed to go on and on like a loop as in a mobius' strip suddenly came to an end . It was as if I was teleported right to the end of the path . Anyways , I was now in front of the preposterously gargantuan mansion which had contraveningly small door . Without a second thought I opened the door because I had been walking for over an hour just to unveil the secret of this mansion . As soon as I entered the mansion a dark black aura surrounded me and disappeared right after a couple of seconds . I rubbed my eyes in order to deal with the itching and then opened them calmly . And in front of me stood a peculiarly disturbing sight . It was a pile of about a hundred human corpses , stacked in way that more or less created a mountain of dead bodies . All of them had their organs viciously pulled out of their bodies , their brains out of their heads , their hearts hanging from their chests yet all the bodies had that demonicly eerie smile . Their eyes were completely red and wide open , blood dripping from every part of their bodies and those eyes staring right into my soul . What a spine - tingling horrendous sight it was . It scared the living shit out of me . Never in my career as a Detective I had once seen a sight this gruesome .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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