3. It is a Deal

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Rudra was still in a state of shock. He was standing under the mango tree his grandmother planted in the backyard. It was a huge tree now. Anvi and Sita pestered him to fix a swing on one of the branches for months. That summer was the last summer he had spent with his family. He touched the ropes of the swing while he smiled at the memories. 

"Aahhhmm...aaahhhmmm..." Anvi cleared her throat to get his attention. She succeeded in doing so. 

"Hi, Anvi." He greeted her. She nodded and walked past him to sit on the swing. Rudra was always around Sita and Anvi like a big brother. He was very protective of both the girls, but he was taken aback this morning when Anvi voiced her choice to marry him. Although he dismissed the incident as a joke, he still thought it inappropriate. After all, Anvi is his father's boss's daughter. 

"Anvi, about this morning..." Rudra paused to give Anvi a chance to explain, but none came. " About this morning, Anvi, that was inappropriate. Your father is my father's boss." He continued, " And marriage is not a joke, Anvi." 

"So my father is the only reason we cannot get married?" She asked while lightly swinging.

"ANVI? No...that is not what I meant?"

"Then why can't we get married?"

"Anvi, you are still a kid. You should think about your future and studies, not marriage."

"But I am an adult. I can think about both my studies and my marriage. There is no rule about choosing only one."

"Anvi..." Rudra found himself in a tight spot." Anvi, listen, there is a lot that you have to see and do and experience. Marriage should not be your priority right now."

"Who said that I want to marry right away? I want to know whether I am good enough for the person I want to marry." 

"And that is me? Rudra asked, pointing a finger to his chest.

"Yes, Lieutenant Rudra Chaturvedi, tell me, am I good enough for you? Or do you have someone else in mind?"

"No...I mean.." A heavy sigh escaped his lips. "Anvi, you need to grow up a little bit more. You only elected science in class 12 cause you wanted to be in the same class as Sita. You wrote the Law entrance exam again to be with her." Rudra knelt in front of her. "What I mean is you are just following Sita. You need to make your own decisions. "

"So you think I can't survive without Sita?" She asked, arching her eyebrows.

"No...it is not..." Rudra was cut off midway.

"Let us make a deal. If I top the University for all five years, and you are still single, you will marry me." She forwarded her hand. 

"Anvi..." Rudra hesitated

"All I am asking for is a chance, Rudra. No compulsion, just a commitment to give me a chance. I want a chance to have a happy family just like my parents. You are as caring as my father is to my mother. So I need to know whether I have a chance," She said with longing eyes.

Rudra could see the innocent love in her eyes for him. He caressed her hair with a small smile.

" Fine, that's a deal," He said while returning to his house. 

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