10. Best Husband

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Anvi Was sitting in the middle of a big bed. It has to be a new one. She had never seen this one in Sita's house before. But the thought of Rudra buying a new bed for her turned her red. She could feel the heat rising up her neck. Come to think of it, she didn't think about this night yet. She was so busy with her final exams and then with the marriage preparation that it didn't even cross her mind.

Was she ready?

She did not get any answer for her question. Now she was feeling extremely nervous. She wanted to rewind everything. She picked up her phone and dialed a number frantically. 

"Hello!" Sita's voice came from the other side. "Are you alright?"

"Sita, yaar, I need help" She said in a panicking voice.

"What, what happened?" Sita's strained voice alarmed Anvi.

"Oi..oi...chill nothing serious" She tried to calm Sita down. Ever since her marriage to Raghuveer, she has turned very jumpy.

"Accha, listen carefully and don't laugh..I am telling you Sita if you laugh I will smack your butt" Anvi warned.

"OK.. okk." Came Sita's voice.

"OK...I did not think this through yaar. What should I do now?"

"What? You did not think through the marriage?" Sita's horrified voice pierced Anvi's ears. 

"No idiot, I meant this...this first night" Anvi tried to put it as matter of fact as possible. She could hear a muffled laugh on the other side.

"Sita yaar, you promised you will not laugh" Amvi whined.

"OK..OK...are you ready? As in, are you ready for..you know..?" Sita could feel the awkward air around the conversation. 

"Yeah..yeah..I mean yeah I know what you meant but I don't know whether I am ready or not" She said in a hurry.

"Then talk to him, Anvi. Bhai is a very understanding man. Explore your limits with each other. Maybe that will help" Sita advises. 

"Yeah maybe…what are you doing?" Anvi asked.

"Oh...I was feeding Gola. He is acting cranky with so much happening around. " 

"OK then...oh...he is coming...chal..bye bye.." Anvi said as she heard a click at the door.


The door slowly opens towards the room, revealing the most handsome man Anvi has ever seen - her Rudra. He looked a bit tired but he had a glint of excitement in his eyes. He has a broad smile on his face. He took slow steps toward Anvi. Anvi's hands turned into tight fists. Her nerves were on fire.

Anvi felt a soft touch on her fisted hand. Long thick fingers were trying to loosen the tight fist. 

"Anvi…" Rudra's voice was deep and husky. She loosened the fist immediately. He took her hand in his and sat opposite to her facing her. He took her hands in his lap and caressed her palm with his fingers. 

"Anvi...look at me," He said. She raised her eyes to meet his dark black eyes but could not hold the gaze. She immediately lowered her gaze.

"Anvi, I am your Rudra. Please don't be so shy. Please look at me" He cooed. It worked this time. She looked into his eyes. 

"Are you nervous?" He asked. She nodded.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

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