Vitamin D (ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol)

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Vitamin D also known as ergocalciferol or cholecalciferol is a fat soluble compound that is essential for calcium absorption which allows for the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin D also works to help maintain a healthy functioning immune system, regulates insulin levels, supports cardiovascular health and provides a protective effect against type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and even some forms of cancer. Aside from the chemical names, Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin given that a five to ten minute window of sun exposure on bare skin two to three times a week leads to sufficient Vitamin D production. It is estimated that 50% of adults and children worldwide are Vitamin D deficient with the most common groups that are afflicted being infants, the elderly, people with dark skin, and people living at higher latitudes that receive limited sun exposure. Vitamin D deficiency can cause many biochemical and physiological imbalances due to the critical role calcium plays in development and maintenance of health. In children a deficiency can lead to a condition known as rickets which is characterized in early stages by increased restlessness, profuse sweating, a lack of muscle town in the abdomen and limbs and a delay in learning to sit, crawl, and walk. Once the disease has progressed it can result in bowlegs and knee knocking. In adults a deficiency can lead to osteomalacia which is a progressive loss of calcium and phosphorus from the bones, as well as Osteoporosis which is results in poor bone density and an increased risk of bone fractures. Aside from a short window of sun exposure on a recurring basis, vitamin D can be acquired through sources such as milk, egg yolks, saltwater fish, liver, mushrooms, and some fortified cereals. Too high of an intake of vitamin D through supplementation can prove to be toxic and results in weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive thirst

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