Dancing Witch (Vessel)

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Summary: you dance on the way to the dressing room

You sit in the dressing room of Sleep Token and watch Vessel. He plays the keyboard and sings. His satiny voice fills the room, holding you spellbound. At some point he stops, looks at the clock and stands up.

"We have to get on stage in a minute." Says he. II groans, but rises.

Vessel extends his black hand toward you. "You coming?"

You take it and nod. "I can't miss your performance, after all."

Your small group walks toward the stage. As you do, strange looks are cast your way. You can't blame the people.

You stop in front of a staircase leading up to the stage. Vessel cups your face gently. "Don't move." He pecks your lips.

"I'll be waiting for you my love." You laugh. You see him pinch his lips together.

"Go ahead and make fun." He says, playfully offended.

The members of the band slowly walk out onto the stage. You shout good luck after them.

"See you love." Vessel says goodbye before gracefully strutting onto the stage.

You stand to the side and watch the boys perform, thereby they dance. You are happy that they are having fun on stage. The audience is enthusiastic.

After the successful show, the guys go back to the dressing room. The cheers of the audience get quieter and quieter as you go on.

Vessel dances on his way back full of euphoria. He jumps around bent over like a witch, clapping his hands in delight. His black robe flutters behind him. He seems to infect III, who jumps to his side and moves with him. The two wiggle to a tune you don't know. You walk behind them, laughing. II and IV next to you.

II tilts his head toward you. "What kind of boyfriend do you have?" He whispers.

"Yes why did you take him." Says IV quietly from the other side now. "He's totally weird." At this he contorts his face.

You reply seriously. "Just look at him. Who wouldn't want a dancing witch for a boyfriend?"

"Right how did we miss that!" IV slaps his palm against his forehead.

II makes the same motion. "Right."

"Besides, you're in a band with him." You laugh.

Your laughter seems to get Vessel's attention because he turns to you. He holds his black hand out to you.

"Babe dance with us!"

You think about whether you should dance now. There are people everywhere you don't know. Then you look at III. Of the three members, you are the best friends. He nods at you encouragingly. He's like a bouncy ball, never stops bouncing at any moment. Then you look back at Vessel. He smiles gently.

You put your little hand in Vessel's.

"Wow Y/N! So you're leaving us." Says II.

You grin over your shoulder. "Sorry."

Vessel starts dancing again. He takes small steps forward, swinging his free arm. You giggle and try to mimic him. It doesn't really work. But it doesn't matter. After all, it doesn't look good on III and Vessel either, it's just supposed to be fun.

The three of you are moving in unity. II and IV are cheering you on.

Shortly after, you have reached the dressing room. You want to stop to open the door, but III and Vessel pull you a little further. You can't reach the door anymore.

You continue dancing. Vessel moves his head to the side, indicating II to open the door.

"So that's how it is?" He laughs and opens the door wide. IV quickly darts through before you jump in after him.

Inside the room, you drop down onto a couch. "That was exhausting." You gasp.

"But it was fun, too, wasn't it?" Vessel asks, pulling you closer. His chest rises and falls. III nods.

"For you guys. You didn't see the people." Says IV.

Vessel replies. "Who cares? Let them think what they want. The main thing is that we have our fun."

You look to him. "That's why I'm with him." You look at II and IV.

Vessel looks at you questioningly. "Have you been gossiping about me?"

You put a hand on his chest, "No. I was just telling them both how much I love you." You lean over and kiss his lips.

"Okay. I love you too." He says suspiciously.

You grin to II and IV. They both smile back.

"My dancing witch." You say and look lovingly at Vessel. Your finger runs over his chest. II and IV burst into laughter. Vessel just looks at you in confusion.

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