Friends to Lovers (Vessel)

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Summary: A close friendship evolves into love after a show.

You and Vessel have been really good friends for many years.

There's always been a certain level of intimacy and trust between you. Sometimes a cuddle on the shoulder, sometimes a gentle rub of the thumb over the cheek or a kiss on the hair.

His bandmates tease you, claiming Vessel and you are in a relationship and you both just don't know about it yet.

"I'm so tired." You mumble, dropping onto the black leather sofa in the backstage area, exhausted. A sigh of relief escapes you as you watch Vessel out of the corner of your eye as he removes his white mask with the red details in front of a mirror

"What about me?" He asks with a grin and opens the clasp at the back of his head. "You just stood next to the stage and watched. I gave it my all and sang."

"And danced." You add with a grin.

"Yes, and danced." Vessel replies with a soft chuckle and places the mask next to the black charcoal he applied to his body before his performance... or rather, you applied it.

"I could sleep through a whole year after the tour." He says and watches his charcoal-stained face in the mirror for a moment.

You lean your head back against the soft backrest of the sofa and look up at the ceiling with a grin. "You say that every time and then you sleep just like you did on tour, maybe an hour longer." You say playfully.

Vessel laughs softly and sits down right next to you. His shoulder brushes yours as he leans back with a relieved sigh.

You tilt your head to the side and look at him.

It doesn't take him long to notice your gaze and he turns his head towards you. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen an alien."

A grin creeps onto your lips. "I just find it amusing how messed up you look after every show." You say with a shrug and raise your hand to brush your fingers across his cheek.

He rolls his eyes playfully and gently clasps your wrist. "Go ahead and make fun of me." He says, rubbing small circles on your skin.

You look at each other in a moment of silence, his gaze darts from your eyes to your lips.

And finally, the other Sleep Token guys would be standing next to you cheering, Vessel slowly moves his face closer to yours.

You can literally imagine III's cry of joy as your lips meet in a gentle kiss.

Butterflies ignite in every fiber of your body. Your lips melt together as if they were made for each other.

But they part far too quickly.

You open your eyes as Vessel leans back. "That was..." You whisper.

"It was perfect." Vessel says softly in a husky voice. His thumb circles your wrist gently.

"I never thought..." A smile forms on your lips. "...that this would ever happen between us."

"It just felt right to do it." He looks into your eyes and can't help the playful tone in his voice. "And besides, we're already very intimate with each other anyway."

You grin softly and answer playfully. "Basically, it's the same as before."

"Exactly." He leans closer to you. "Except now I'll kiss your lips more often instead of just your forehead."

Vessel looks at you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Is that okay?"

"Mhm." You hum, which is enough of an answer for Vessel as he gently presses his lips back to yours.

If III knew what was happening next to his room... he'd probably jump for joy, just like your heart leaps in your chest as you gently return Vessel's kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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