Chapter 4: Conflicting Feelings

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It had been a few weeks since the whole ordeal with the mysterious cloaked woman, and Summer, Aggro, and Riptide ended up telling the others the cover story that they had come up with on the way back to the Roost.

"So, Summer and Aggro saved you from dragon hunters?" Dak asked after seeing how close the two Fastfins were.

"Yes, yes they did," Riptide told him confidently. "I had been there my whole life so I didn't know anything about my powers."

Winger's eyes widened in understanding as he stared at Riptide. "So that's why you were practicing your abilities when we found you! That makes a lot more sense now!" He said as the puzzle peaces started to click into place.

Riptide giggled and nodded her head, giving the young Swiftwing a small smile.

"Wait, so you were hatched on a dragon hunter ship?" Cutter asked her, his eyes widening in horror. "Was anyone else with you?"

"Yes there was," Riptide told them, a somber look crossing her face. "A female Razorwhip about my age named Windshear was with me."

After Riptide had spoken those words, Dak had just opened his mouth to start speaking but Winger spoke up before he could.

"It's getting pretty late guys, and I'm sure Riptide's exhausted from the long flight here. So let's head to bed and we can ask her more questions tomorrow." He told the others while gesturing to the sleep cave with his tail.

The others all nodded their heads at his suggestion.

"Maybe we could ask her some questions not relating to her past," Summer added in upon noticing the uneasy look on the sky blue Fastfin's face. "Those memories were probably ones that she would rather not recall."

"Yeah, you have a fair point there, Summer." Dak told her with a sheepish smile forming on his face. "Sorry about all the prying questions, Riptide." He told her with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay Dak, all is forgiven." Riptide told him with a yawn. "Now come on, let's go get some sleep."

And with no words left to be said, the dragons headed into the sleep cave while Dak headed up to his room.

The next day dawned bright and sunny, and with that knowledge in mind, Summer decided that it would be the perfect opportunity for her to teach Riptide how to swim.

"Wow! This is so fun!" Riptide said as she and Summer swam around. "I never knew that swimming as a water dragon would be this much fun! It's definitely a lot easier than swimming as a human."

Summer giggled and flicked her tail from side to side. "Of course it's easier, you're an aquatic dragon with scales and webbed feet. Humans can breath underwater for quite a while but eventually they need to come up for air, but water dragons don't have to worry about that."

"But still, thanks again for helping me learn to swim." Riptide told her with a bright smile and a flick of her tail. "You're an awesome teacher, Sum, and I think that's why I'm picking up on this so quickly."

"It wasn't just me," Summer told her with a small laugh. "You're a smart girl, Ley, you learn things rather quickly."

Riptide blushed and ducked her head under the water, leaving only her eyes visible. "Thanks Sum, I really appreciate you believing in me." She told her with a sincere smile on her face and admiration shining in her dark brown eyes.

"Thanks for the compliment Ley! And I'm glad that you're having fun!" Summer said as she watched Riptide before blushing when she found it cute. What the...why did I just think it was cute? Am I...starting to be attracted to her?

"Hey Summer!" Riptide called out, bringing the other Fastfin out of her thoughts. "Watch this!"

With that, she started swimming up before jumping out of the water and diving back down with a big splash.

"That does look like a lot of fun!" Summer said before trying it out for herself. "You're right Riptide! This is fun!"

"Hey Summer, hey Riptide," Winger said as he and Dak came to investigate the splashing. "What are you two girls doing?"

"Oh, hiya Winger!" She called out to the Swiftwing and her search brother. "We're just playing and messing around," Riptide said, glad that they thought Leyla was busy. "Want to play with us?" She asked them with a bright smile on her face.

"How about we have a race instead?" Dak asked before pointing with a finger to the other side of the island. "The first one around that island and back wins." He said while glancing over at Riptide, who had a confident smirk crossing her face.

"Oh, it is on." The sky blue Fastfin said with a challenging gleam in her dark brown eyes.

"Well then, I guess I'll be the referee!" Summer told them with a shrug while getting into position. "Ready, set, and begin!" She shot a waterblast into the air as a signal to go and the two dragons took off

At her shout they took off in the air, Winger easily taking the lead while Leyla tried to figure out how to get it back before smirking when she saw the water. She dove underwater and used the fact that Fastfins are fastest underwater to catch up with the speedy dragon.

"We're halfway there and still in the lead!" Dak muttered to Winger as they went around the island, only to hear Riptide swimming from down below.

"Not anymore you aren't, Winger!" Riptide called up to him as they saw her returning underwater and could see her taking the lead.

"Go! Go! Go!" Dak called out, wanting to prove to this new dragon how fast a Swiftwing could really fly.

"I'm going! I'm going!" Winger agreed as he pushed himself as hard as he could go. The race ended up being a tie.

"Wow! That was great!" Summer cheered, flying up into the air and giving the other water dragon a bright smile. "I never managed to tie with him before, but you did! How did you figure out to use the water to your advantage?"

Winger chuckled softly and turned to face Riptide. "Yeah Riptide, I'd like to know as well, how'd you manage to pull it off?" Winger asked her with an impressed look on his face.

"Well I'm a Fastfin," Riptide said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And as such, Fastfins are the fastest dragons underwater. So with that knowledge in mind I thought it would be faster to swim instead of trying to fly."

Summer nodded her head in understanding and gave Riptide a knowing look. "Well that settles it! I'm definitely swimming the next time I race with Dak and Winger!" Summer laughed, causing Riptide to blush without knowing why. "Maybe then I'll win."

"Aw man!" Winger said, sighing softly but knowing that both Summer and Riptide were right. "Hey Riptide, do you want to come back with us and meet the other Rescue Riders? Well, except for Leyla cause she's busy."

Riptide looked thoughtful before she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah sure, why not! Come on! Let's go!" Riptide said after looking at Summer, who smiled brightly at her.

Riptide spent several hours with them, even helping them rescue Elbone. Once the sun had began to set, Riptide was about to leave but a sudden shout stopped her before she could go anywhere.

it was Cutter who had shouted out a warning to the others.

"Hey guys, look over there! There's a dragon caught in a net!" Cutter said, using his super vision, causing them to head over in the direction that Cutter had seen the trapped dragon.

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