Chapter 5: Meeting Heiđrún

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When they got there, they found a small female dragon that had black as her predominant body color, while the medial and posterior areas are white, faintly tinged in search pink. She had green eyes and her ears were also tinged with white at their tip along with a small white patch on her nose. She was wrapped in the net, luckily Cutter could easily cut her free with his sharpened tail spikes.

"Thank you so much for saving me!" She said when she was free. "I'm Heiđrún by the way, who are you?"

"We're the Rescue Riders," Dak said while introducing the orca-spotted Night Light to the other members of the team. "Oh, and I'm Dak by the way."

"Wait. Did you just answer me?" She asked and Dak nodded his head in confirmation.

"I sure did." Dak replied back.

"You speak dragon?" The black-and-white dragon asked, shocked.

"Me and my sister both do." Dak explained.

"What? How?" The young Night Light asked with genuine curiosity shining in her eyes. Dak launched into a story about how both him and his sister were ship recked as small children and rescued by a mother dragon.

Once he had finished the story, he turned to the dragons and nodded for them to introduce themselves.

"My name's Cutter," Cutter said, introducing himself to the small dragon.

"And I'm Aggro, nice to meet you." The fire dragon greeted with a small nod in greeting.

"And my name's Burple," Burple said with a friendly smile on his face.

"I'm Summer and this is Riptide, she's the newest member of the team." Summer said the last part with a small blush on her face.

"Wait, really? You already consider me a member of the team?" Riptide asked in shock, still thinking that it would have taken a bit longer to be accepted as Riptide.

"Well, you did help us in this rescue," Winger said with a shrug. "And plus, Summer and Aggro trust you. And if they trust you, then we do too."

"Thank you!" Riptide said before looking at Heiđrún. "If you don't mind me asking...what species are you?"

"It's fine. My species is rare, so not many have heard of it. I'm a Night Light, the child of a Night Fury and a Light Fury." Heiđrún said to the others, who were all shocked. They had heard of both the Night Fury and the Light Fury but not much was known about the Night Lights.

Heiđrún giggled softly at their shocked looks but quickly recovered and gave them a small smile. "Well I should probably get going, my parents will be worried if I'm not back by noon."

With that, Heiđrún tried to fly away only for one of her wings to collapse and buckle beneath her.

"What happened?" Heiđrún asked while looking at her wing as Riptide walked over and examined it. "And why does my wing hurt so much?"

"It looks like your wing is broken," Riptide said, walking over to examine the other dragon's wing. "Not badly, it will only take a few weeks to heal, but during that time you will not be able to fly."

"Aw man!" Heiđrún complained, sighing sadly and flattening her ears. "Where will I stay until my wing heals?"

"You can stay at the Roost with us if you'd like," Winger said, getting a thankful nod from the smaller dragon.

The next few weeks were spent getting to know Heiđrún, and Riptide meeting her as Leyla. But she spent most of the time as Riptide, learning more about Night Light's, and about her parents, a Night Fury named Shadow and a Light Fury named Luna. Unfortunately for the former human girl, this caused Summer to become jealous of Riptide spending so much time around Heiđrún, but she didn't know why, she just put it down to feeling like she was losing her best friend.

Eventually though, the wing was healed enough for Heiđrún to leave and return home to her family.

"Goodbye everyone! I hope we'll meet again soon!" Heiđrún called down to them from the sky. "See you guys around! Goodbye and good luck on your future rescues." And with that the small Night Light was gone, speeding away and soaring above the clouds and out of sight.

"Goodby Heiđrún! Safe travels!" Everyone called out as they waved her goodbye before going their seperate ways.

"Hey Summer, want to go for a swim with me?" Riptide asked her once they had all landed back at the roost.

"Oh, so now you want to spend time with me?" Summer grumbled under her breath with an annoyed flick of her tail.

Riptide stepped back in shock, not sure what had made her best friend so upset. "What do you mean?" Riptide asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side in confusion. "You're my best friend, of course I want to spend time with you."

"Then why did you spend all that time around Heiđrún for the past few weeks?" Summer asked her, her tone still dripping with hurt as she stared into her friend's dark brown eyes.

"Because she would be leaving when her wing was fully healed," Riptide told her truthfully. "And besides, it was my only chance to learn more about her species, as well as her parents species. You know I love learning about new dragons." The sky blue Fastfin paused to take a deep breath before continuing to speak. "But if you don't want to spend time around me than that's fine. I'll just go and see if Aggro wants to hang out with me instead."

With that she flew away, leaving Summer alone.

"Aw man...why did I say that?" Summer quietly muttered to herself with a heavy sigh. "I knew that about her, so why did I get so defensive? I should've just been happy to spend time around her."

"It sounds to me like your feeling a little jealous," Cutter said from behind her, causing her to spin around with a wide-eyed look on her face.

"Cutter?" Summer cried out, silently wondering how long he had been standing there. "What are you talking about?"

"I saw you two arguing, and to me It looked like you were jealous that she was spending so much time around Heiđrún and not with you." He paused for a few moments before he continued speaking. "And I didn't know that you were into girls like that, Sum." He told her, muttering the last part so quietly that Summer almost missed it.

"Wait, what?" Summer spluttered out, a blush dusting her cheeks as she thought about what he had said. Was it true? Did she really like her best friend in that way? She shook her head and turned to face Cutter.

"Oh my night fury!" Summer almost shrieked, the realization that she was in fact in love with her best friend startled her so much that she nearly fell out of the sky in shock. "I'm in love with her! How could I have not noticed this before?"

Summer wanted to smack herself for being so stupid.

"I've got to find her and make things right, I need to tell her how I really feel." And with that she flew away, not noticing Cutter's amused expression as she sped off, heading in the direction that Riptide and Aggro had gone.

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