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Ch. 3: Royal Meeting

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The only word Rayne Vance could conjure up when walking into the grand hall where the Fae council and Jarrah's parents were sitting was . . . immaculate.

Alabaster marble stretched wide across the floor beneath their tapping feet and white walls as tall as an oak tree were covered with vines and flowers that only enhanced the beauty of the hall. Lights illuminating from floating bugs pulled across Rayne's vision like magic, easily blending in with the sparkle of the atmosphere that radiated in fahpo. Magic.

Rayne's eyes fell on the gathered group of council members that stood behind two of the three tables before them. There were four people at the table on the left side and four on the right, all of whom bowed at Jarrah as they walked by, and the table at the center of the room was occupied by the previous king and queen. Jarrah's parents.

Everyone in the room was dressed in different Fae attire. Some were dressed in animal skin, others in leafy outfits, some had antler headdresses, and some just wore their hair down without anything adorning their heads. Eyes the color of the earth's rich soil and nourishing rain fell on Rayne and Jarrah as they followed behind Takoum. There was a curiosity there, a caution, and worry. All of which set Rayne's nerves on high alert, and the urge to upchuck was strong. Not that the feeling was new to her, but it was more intense than usual at that moment.

Despite the nausea at the pit of her throat, she straightened her posture and tried to appear more "alpha-like". Her clothing attire wasn't anything special, and her curls may have a twig or two stuck in the coils, but she hoped they'd be able to overlook that and accept her as the mate of the king.

As soon as Rayne and Jarrah came to a halt in front of his parents, Rayne ignored the cramp rolling through the pit of her stomach and bowed to them in respect.

"Halito, Your Majesties," she murmured, straightening up after Jarrah tugged at her hand. She hesitated for only a moment, but eventually gave in to her curiosity and looked up at the head of the royal family.

Jarrah's mother radiated with a natural beauty putting anyone and everyone to shame. Golden cheekbones, hair shimmering in strands of obsidian with hints of ivory, the woman was as elegant as they came. Her dark brown eyes, though warm, still regarded the young alpha with caution and uncertainty. She glanced at her husband, who stood strong and unyielding at her side.

Jarrah's father was the spitting image of his son. Long dark hair pulled tight in a braid, broad shoulders, and sharp cheekbones that could cut through skin, he didn't look like a father, just as much as the queen didn't look like a mother. They could have passed for Jarrah's siblings for all Rayne knew.

Jarrah's father, whose expression was hard to read, bowed his head back. "Welcome, Alpha Vance. It's a great pleasure to have you here with us."

"It's a pleasure to be here, Your Majesty," Rayne said. "This kingdom is more grand than I could have ever imagined."

"There's no need for such formalities here. I am no longer king, so Nitakechi or Nita will do. This is my wife, Nuni," he continued, gesturing to Jarrah's mother at his side.

Nuni tilted her head to the side. "We are most fortunate to have you with us, wolf."

Jarrah tensed at Rayne's side. His hand tightened around hers when she looked up at him, his eyes were narrowed in on his mother.

"My mate's name is Rayne, not wolf," he hissed through clenched teeth.

In any other situation, Rayne would have pointed out the irony, considering that was his nickname for her. But, seeing as how the circumstance was tense enough to slice through with a knife, she kept the comment to herself.

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