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Ch. 12: Training

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"Oh! Rayne! You're here," Terryn exclaimed, pleasantly surprised as she faced Rayne and Jarrah walking into the training room.

Dressed in dark green, slim fitting battle clothes akin to Rayne's, Terryn made her way over. There were at least a hundred other Fae soldiers training at the moment, and though most of them didn't pay the royal couple any mind except for a quick bow, some of their gazes lingered longer than necessary. Especially on Rayne's stomach, where their future king or queen lay waiting to be born.

Terryn's eyes were one of them.

It took everything in Rayne to stand tall and not cower behind Jarrah or even Takoum who stood nearby, as she graced the senator with a kind smile.

"You're training?" Terryn asked, tilting her head. "You're pregnant with the king's heir, Rayne. You don't have to train. The entire kingdom will protect you against anything out there."

"That's what I said," Jarrah whispered, raising his eyebrows at Rayne. She glared at him for a split second, before returning Terryn's confused gaze.

"I think it'll be safer to learn better training techniques that'll help me protect my mid-section," Rayne explained. "I won't always be protected by multiple people, and I need to prepare for it."

Terryn smiled, impressed. "I don't see anything wrong with that. You can train with me and Irene today, then. She's pregnant too, and has three children so she knows how to train safely but effectively."

Rayne perked up and already went to drop Jarrah's hand when he tightened his hold, refusing to let go just yet. When she looked up at him, his eyes were full of seriousness.

"Safe, wolf," he warned. "Don't strain yourself."

She patted his hand. "I won't. I'll take a break if I get tired, and I have a good feeling the senator will stop me if I go too far."

Terryn nodded eagerly. "Rayne is in good hands, Jarrah. It'll just be simple defense moves today."

Jarrah still had his lips twisted with distaste, but he released Rayne's hand. She would have kissed the frown lingering there if Terryn wasn't standing there, so she settled with a warm grin and then followed behind the senator to where the pregnant woman, Irene, waited for them. He mouthed the word "careful" one more time, before turning around and walking to his own training station with Takoum at his heel.

The protective lug had other things to worry about than her. But of course he'd never see it that way.

Irene, a woman a little farther along in her pregnancy, smiled at Rayne. Hair dark like a raven's wing and eyes the color of cherry wood, she was radiant in her motherly glory. It was a nice change of pace to have another Fae, besides Jarrah and Terryn, show her genuine kindness.

"Irene," she said, reaching out to shake Rayne's hand.

"Rayne," she replied.

Irene winked. "Oh, I know who you are, Alpha Rayne. You're the one who caught our king's eye."

Rayne's cheeks flushed at the teasing in her voice and she rubbed her arm. "Ah."

"There's no need to be sheepish. You're beautiful and you hold the Fae's future in your womb. If you ask me, our king is a lucky man," Irene said, warmly.

Rayne couldn't stop the beam from taking over her expression. There was something comforting in the companionship between one expectant mother to another. Magical almost; especially when between two different groups.

Terryn clasped her hands together and gained the attention of the two women. "Okay, so today we're focusing more on how you'd defend yourselves in case of an attack. Irene, you've fought before while pregnant so you'll do a lot of the demonstrations."

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