Kanata Inori

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Every time I come here, I play the role of their 'ideal', right? Like some shared fantasy. Kanata always tries to stay professional and seeks the good of others over her own, even if sometimes it borders on the creepy way. Should I be the healthiest guy in the world?

"Yuki, I hope this place doesn't make you uncomfortable while we wait for things to calm down."

"Huh? Did something happen?"

Kanata gasped as she covered her mouth, worried. "Oh my god, were you hit by any of the projectiles the yakuza fired at us?"

Yakuza!? This escalated too quickly. Having criminals behind us is the last thing I expected from a Kanata's fantasy.

I scratched the back of my neck, embarrassed. "Sorry, things happened so fast. Could you refresh my memory a little?"

Kanata wasn't very convinced, but she accepted. "We were working our shift in the hospital when some wounded yakuza demanded treatment to continue their stupid war. Yuki was as generous to give them average assistance as my primary nurse he is, only they were poorly educated. "

Do I work with Kanata in the hospital? I'm honored to have such a position, although the pressure of being a doctor would overcome me. Leaving that aside, the Yakuza has caused us problems.

Kanata continued, "I had no choice but to resort to violence to stop them from abusing your nobility, so I hit each of them on the head like that." The little nurse demonstrated the violent attack, which felt like a pat.

"I see..." The blow didn't hurt at all. Surely criminals like the Yakuza would hurt more if a fly landed on them. That didn't exempt how cute she looked when she did it.

"One of them didn't take it very well and tried to beat me, but Yuki heroically saved me and took me out of the hospital while those brutes chased us. Fortunately, the police have already been informed. We just have to wait a little while to be able to return to work."

"Stop focusing on work. What you did is very dangerous. You must be more careful."

"I couldn't let them make fun of Yuki like they were doing, mocking everything you did for them, and you just smiled in response. It made me very upset."

"Still! I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. You must understand that your well-being also matters to me, Kanata. "

I noticed a blush in Kanata after my words, but a silly smile immediately appeared on his angelic face.

"Thank you very much, Yuki. That you have me in your mind even in these risky situations makes me very happy."

"It's the least I can do for all the good you do" I look at the bed, despite its very comfortable shape. "Why don't you take the opportunity to lie down for a moment? I know you hate breaks and supplement them by reading medical journals, but after everything I go through, you can't deny me this."

"You are very kind to care about me. I'm glad to have you as a partner in the hospital. Whenever a difficult situation arises in the operating room, having Yuki by my side and in my mind makes everything possible. Even when, thanks to the sudden adrenaline realization, you suffer a mental gap."

Before I could answer, Kanata ran and threw herself into bed, jumping like a child playing with whatever was on her mind.

"Come on, Yuki!" she invited me with joy. There was no human way to refuse that request. Even doctors have these human sides, demonstrating basic feelings that hide in a layer of professionalism and coldness.



"My diagnosis is I pulled my right thigh. I overthrew myself without doing the relevant stretches, hehe."

I laid Kanata down so she wouldn't apply any more pressure. However, she kept expectant for some reason. "Does anything else happen?"

"Of course, I just got hurt, and Yuki is not applying for the relevant review in the area. An early diagnosis is always crucial."


"Don't worry. I do this check-up process with you every day. Nothing in our bodies should embarrass us. Yuki has my permission to touch me where you think fits."

"Got it... here goes."

With all the shame in the world, I inspect Kanata's thigh. Her skin is so soft that she generates a kind of addiction when touched, she may have a tiny body, but for me, she was beautiful. I couldn't limit my gaze to the blue pantie with white polka dots, although I swear it was for a moment.

"Mhh..." Kanata was blushing but couldn't, biting her index finger for some reason. I pray I'm not hurting her.

"Mhh... Yuki... chest... It hurts..." Kanata whispered.

"Sure..." I tried not to look as I breathed deeply, up and down, up and down. I found nothing out of the ordinary except how her heart beat very fast, which is understandable in our position. My heart is the same.

"Yuki... my whole body hurts... hug me."

Hug Kanata immediately, letting myself go for the moment to make her feel comfortable. She clung to my body as if her life depended on it. Through it all, Kanata was smiling.

"It doesn't hurt at all, right?"

"I'm sorry to lie. I just wanted an excuse for Yuki to touch me. I needed it. Now you are not only in my mind but also in my whole being."

"Don't apologize. I also think of Kanata all in time, in your well-being, in how you are an angel sent to do good. You are perfect. I love you."

Kanata released a tear of happiness. "You know? I've only read what happens next when you find a partner, but now I'm willing to investigate it through experience. Yuki, can you take the initiative?"

Let my actions speak for me.

Yuki Love Hotel (Danganronpa Another)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें