Yamato Kisaragi

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Every time I come here, I play the role of their 'ideal', right? Like some shared fantasy. And who is this? I have never seen him in my life. The key only allows me to see the illusion of my friends trapped here. Monokuma must be planning something...

"Excuse me. Who are you?"



"Nico Nico Nyeh Nyeh!"


"It came out on the first time try. It was amazing. I've been practicing that part for weeks."

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"Sorry for that. It was something that just went out of me. Wait, Maeda?! Are you talking to me directly?!"

"Huh, yes, I'm talking to you. I asked you who you are."

"Sorry, it's rare that you came up and talked to me. And who am I? I know you never want to talk, but I hope you remember my name. I'm Yamato Kisaragi, the ultimate inventor, your classmate."

"That can't be. I would remember you if you were my classmate." Yuki responded, trying to give a second look at Yamato

"Well, I am, and you're definitely someone else. You don't look bitter and dull like you normally do, but it doesn't matter. If I can socialize with you, all the better."

This guy exuded a bright and friendly aura that could leave anyone blind. Yuki felt he could trust him with everything and become his friend from one moment to the next, which was rare for someone he had just met.

"Then Yuki. Can I call you Yuki now?"


"Awesome. Now, what your favorite activities are?"

Yuki scratched his chin, embarrassed. "Not much, mainly video games and hanging out with my few friends."

Yamato folded his arms. "That's weird. When we invite you to the boys' outing, you always refuse and say it's a bummer. But hey, now you and me alone can play several things if you want."

"I will keep it in mind. Thank you."

Yuki doesn't comprehend why Yamato describes him as lonely and apathetic, but his curiosity about Yamato is more immense.

"Then you are the ultimate inventor. You must be someone brilliant."

"It's a family thing." Yamato replied. "The Kisaragi family is made up of the best inventors in all of Japan, my grandfather passed the title to my father, and my father passed it on to me. Although I don't want to talk in various circumstances, I must take the family's leadership at a young age."

"So young? It must be tough."

"Yes, but I have Mikako and everyone to get through it. Wow, I never expected to be talking about this with you, Yuki."

"You seriously describe me as an asocial that drives all of you away."

"Because you are, you are always quiet and never hang out with us. It frustrates me a lot to see you like that because, in a way, you remind me about myself."

Do I remember him in a certain way? Yamato continued talking

"As a child, I used to be quite conceited. I thought I was above everyone because of the status of my family and intelligence. My father had to take me out of important meetings to take care of me because he used to fight with my classmates. Call them stupid for not learning the table of seven and beat them, a bad boy."

"You describe yourself in a totally different way. I find it hard to see you as a tough guy who beats people."

"Well, that's how it was until one day, out of nowhere, my father introduced me to Mikako, my new stepsister. Of course, not everything started rosy. I used to push her away a lot at first. I despised her attempts to heal me when I got hurt or any attempt at conversation for the simple fact of being a girl. If I could, I'd give my past self a slap on the wrist for mistreating her."

Yuki put a hand on Yamato's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry, we all do silly things when we're kids."

Yamato smiled sadly. "Yes, now I have to beg her to heal me if I get hurt, but I always end up with some other blow for not being man enough. Still, I know he cares..."

Before Yuki could react, Yamato hugged him tightly. That hug exposed all the feelings the inventor had for him, which was incredible because he still could not locate who he was in his memories.

"Is unbearable, isn't it? The feeling of being alone. I don't understand why you want to be alone, but I want to know, listen and understand it, be your support, and care more about you than you have an idea."

No words came out of Yuki. Just stood still. Why?

"Loneliness burns. Please let me save you. I want to save you."

"Yamato, I..."

How to answer that request? At the request of a stranger of a circumstance alien to your reality, however, this purity breaks the barriers of any lodge to which Yuki's brain can respond.

"I'm going to be very honest. I don't know how to answer your request. Not even my memories of you have been fully clarified, but..." Gradually, Yuki raised both arms, answering Yamato's embrace. "... I want to do things the right way with you. I'll let you save me as you wish. Let's talk about me. Open my heart to you."

"Thank you, Yuki. Thank you very much."

Slowly, Yuki separated from Yamato to take him by the hand, directing him to the bed to sit and be face to face, lying down. Their warm breaths felt very close to each other. Yamato's smile returned to his lips, hinting at a silent promise, which was eternal happiness, no matter that he had forgotten it due to circumstances beyond his control.

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