Summer 2023

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The camera pans down to show the Nintega All-Stars all sitting down together around a large round table as they all look towards the camera and each give their own friendly greeting before Nintega is the first one to speak.

The Nintega Guy: Hello, comrades! And welcome to the first ever unique book that I have created called The Nintega Direct! And as usual I am joined by my fellow All-Stars friends, Mario. . .

Mario: Let's-a go!

The Nintega Guy: Sonic!

Sonic: What's up guys? Glad I could juice my way here to catch up with y'all.

The Nintega Guy: Neptune!

Neptune: Your one and only favorite protagonist of protagonists is here and ready for news in this Nepstation-like atmosphere!

The Nintega Guy: Joker!

Joker: It's showtime!

The Nintega Guy: And last, but currently not least. . . Twilight Sparkle!

Twilight Sparkle: Hello, everypony. Welcome and I hope that all of what we have today for you does not disappoint.

Twilight then turns to Nintega with an interested look.

Twilight Sparkle: So Nintega, what exactly is The Nintega's Direct anyway?

The Nintega Guy: I'm so glad that you asked, Twi! You see, I've getting SO many ideas in my head that I could not help myself to just not share what's coming soon with you guys. It just leaves questions as to what exactly is going on outside of my writing life and what Nintevitus is processing while I write every single page in each of my books!

Sonic: *chuckles* Nintevitus? That term has become such an iconic line that you, Jordan, and Shadow use, am I right?

The Nintega Guy: It literally comes off of me they always say! Can you blame them?! Every second that passes in my life, I just have such a smart and creative idea that it's hard for anyone to say no to it!

Neptune: I say no to the ideas that don't involve my beloved series, Nintega! When are you gonna give me some love?

The Nintega Guy: *groans* In time, Nep! In time! I can't multitask! I'd be too much pressure on me and besides, there's really mostly two book series. . . well one that hasn't been released yet. . . that I'm currently focusing on, so I can't just visit Legend of the Male CPU whenever I want. There's just too much in store that I want to write for the others. Maybe soon.

Neptune pouts from this before crossing her arms.

Neptune: Booooring! I don't think that I even want to be here now. Good luck telling your ideas without the ideas that go to me, author!

Everyone else deadpans at each other before looking at Nintega who smirks back at them before smirking at Neptune.

The Nintega Guy: There's pudding in the fridge. . .

Neptune: I'll stay just a minute longer~

Joker: I keep wondering if she'll ever trade her sister for pudding. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Seems possible to me. . .

The Nintega Guy: Anyways, it is time everyone!

The Nintega DirectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang