Chapter 53

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Stellar date (Earth Time): 08-24-2914

The launch was held off until the next day, after Naomi and Levi had stocked the pod to their satisfaction, stuffed me full of food, and forced me to get a good night's rest. It was healing, if nothing else. Thinking they hated me on the same level as a piece of fresh poo on their foot had done a bigger number on me than I wanted to say. Physically strong I may be, but I suppose my mental strength is pathetic. It didn't bother me as much as it usually would. Perhaps because the blow to my independence was softened by Levi's words and Naomi's soft support.

I loved them. I truly did. And I swore this wouldn't be the last I saw of them.

I tried to get Gilrack to eat, but he was too strung up and tense to so much as budge from his position in the pod. I sensed that it was taking all his strength to keep his instincts back, and he conveyed that he desperately didn't want to cause another situation again. It was because of said instincts that all this was happening in the first place, and while he radiated relief to be going back to his own world, he filled him with apprehension of what might happen afterwards. After all, a human surviving on Vetas was unprecedented, as were half-human egg-babies.

I did allow Naomi a chance to hold one of the eggs before we left. She seemed awed by the weight each had.

"It really feels like there's something in there besides yolk and the like," she said, even hugging it to her breasts. "It's so warm."

We didn't even try letting Levi hold one, and he didn't ask. We weren't stupid, and Levi still gave Gilrack and the eggs a stink eye whenever he could.

After sticking me with a few or several shots of immune boosters, Naomi helped me strap up in the chair with my bundle of eggs held in my suit rather than by a belt to keep them safe from any G-force we may experience. A made shift strapping system was made for Gilrack, who'd fit in a seat made for humans when pigs fly and shat gold.

"Be safe." Naomi's eyes were watery.

"You're putting too much into me, Nay. All I've caused you is stress."

"As all children do." She gave me a hard kiss on the forehead, just like Levi's to the top of my head. I loved everything that proved to me they were siblings.

Then our fuller than usual pod was shut up tight and the launch sequence was initiated.

Gilrack groaned against his straps. His stress peaked in my mind, sour to the point of burning.

"We're going to be fine, buddy."

He didn't speak. I didn't know if he was able to.

I continued to murmur reassurances to him while making sure my own emotions were calm for him as the pod detached, then drifted towards the glowing Vetas. Naomi's voice gave occasional updates as to how the launch was doing and how well the A.I. were directing it as well. The only time the pod so much as shivered was when the tiny booster engines redirected the pods course.

We did a half loop around the planet before the boosters shifted towards landing.

"Things are going to get a little rough now, Gilrack, but we'll be okay. Just have to break through the atmosphere."

Again, he didn't speak, nor did the sour stress lessen.

I hugged my three eggs within my suit.

I'd only experienced space landing once during my studies to go to space. I dredged up those memories to reassure myself when our little pod started to hum, vibrate, than roar and the windshield filled with flecks of orange fire. Gilrack's sour stress quickly turned to sharp, bitter fear. Still, he said nothing, and stayed rooted to his seat like a statue. I couldn't have been heard above the roar even if I wanted to, so I just continued to work on being as calm as possible, even trying to imagine pushing my own mind waves to him.

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