Chapter 69

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 Traveling without someone to fly you around turned out to be tricky for a slippery-foot human such as myself. Sure, they had stairs, but they were huge stepped things, and that was only in the main ways, and all through polished stone. When we finally came to the 'training grounds' I thought I was in an amphitheater, and perhaps I was. Many of the aliens, all rippling with muscle, did various physical activities in groups all across the wide gravel paved field. I caught some doing sprints, which was interesting to say the least. It was as if kids trying to be their best T-rex succeeded and were running as fast as they could to chase down the stupid humans who thought to clone them. Damn, those dragon legs of theirs. I wanted dragon legs. I wanted to be a pro T-rex.

Then there were others doing, like, burpies or squats, but so what? T-rex sprints.

I didn't get to stare too long because Gilrack immediately stepped in front of me and even spread his wings a bit, completely blocking me from their view.

"Your training room is over here," said his father, who had already broken off towards one of the walls of the field which held up the stadium seats. If they were seats. I couldn't really tell from here. For all I knew, they were just more work out areas.

But they led me to an opening in the wall, which didn't have a nice big staircase, but a kind of cross between a ladder and a staircase. I got to watch them scurry down it like the rock crawlers they were.

I eyed the smooth stone holds with trepidation.

"Father will catch you if you slip," said Gilrack from behind, still blocking the view to me from anyone in the stadium.

"I want claws," I said morosely.

Gilrack gave a purr-like chuckle, then carefully nudged me forward.

"I like you as you," he said. "Soft claws and soft hands. Babies will too."

But I wasn't here to be all 'soft.' I was here to get buff so I could round-house-kick any would-be rapist. So I put on my big-girl pants—figurtively, of course—and turned to take my first step down.

Thankfully, my feet and hands didn't slip, and I was able to climb down easily enough, if not like a boss alien.

The room below turned out to be a simple large square, lit by more light stones. But as my feet stepped onto the floor I received my first shock by feeling some sort of rubbery moss. I examined it a bit before stepping on more surely. Then jumping on it. It was like those rubber playground coverings that gave way ever so slightly when you stepped down on them—and soaked up the summer sun like a sponge. Seriously.

I stopped when I realized all three of the Queen's mates were waving their tails and high eared.

"What?" I clicked.

Urish and Corket instantly looked away, but Horack bobbed his head.

"You are...endearing in your curiosity. Like youngling," he said.

So they thought I was cute. I wrinkled my nose, warm in the face, not sure what to think about this.

At least Horack turned his attention back to Gilrack, who had climbed down after me, wings shifting in place.

"Go. You have your own training."

Gilrack's ears went flat. He eyed Urish and Corket, but inevitably sighed and turned to me.

"I'll be just out there if you need me."

"I know," I said.

"Don't hesitate."

"I won't."

But he sure did, tail tuft dragging along the mossy floor and ears attempting to reach his chin.

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