Prologue: The Journey begins.

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It was yet another day for the life of Harry Potter. At first glance. Harry had seemed like a normal boy. With normal Problems. And a normal life. But Harry's life had been anything but normal. Harry in actuality was not a normal boy. He was a Wizard. And a thumping good one, if you ask Rubeus Hagrid. The Keeper of the Keys and Professor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Hogwarts itself was a School that taught children in the ways of Magic. It was the place that Harry had called home for the past 6 years, since his life was changed forever. When he was a boy, Harry Potter was orphaned after his parents James and Lily Potter were killed by the ruthless and merciless Voldemort. A Dark Wizard who tried to take over the Wizarding World. But had fallen to Harry Potter when Harry was only one. For the first 11 years of his life, Harry had lived under the ruthless thumb of the Dursleys. His relatives who hated magic and anything to do with it, and that included Harry. Until the day when Harry was told who he really was and learned Magic at Hogwarts. And who also stopped Voldemort on numerous occasions. 

From stopping Voldemort from getting his hands on the Philosopher's Stone, to defeating the Basilisk, the Monster of the Chamber of Secrets, to clearing the name of the Prisoner of Azkaban, his Godfather Sirius Black, to surviving the trap of the Goblet of Fire, to helping the Order of the Phoenix, but now... he was helping his mentor, and father figure: Albus Dumbledore to uncover the power of Voldemort. 

And he wasn't alone either. He had the support of his 2 best friends, Ron Weasley, a Pureblood, stubborn, but loyal Wizard. And Hermione Granger. A Muggleborn, book smart, and very stubborn and also a little aggressive witch. At least now, tensions had died down. Now that Ron was cured of a poison and had gotten rid of Lavender Brown who tried to drive a wedge between the two. 

Now, Harry Potter was going to speak with Dumbledore. Who had something very important to show Harry. Assuming that it was for yet another meeting with Dumbledore as to the memories of Tom Riddle. He still had yet to collect the vital memory from Professor Slughorn. And he hated having to go back to Dumbledore empty handed yet again. But nevertheless he went up. 

"I wonder what Professor Dumbledore wants to speak of now." Harry thought out loud. At least, he kept looking for that, when he bumped into someone.

That someone being Luna Lovegood. A Blonde haired Girl from the Ravenclaw House who was something of an odd sort to the other students. But was cool according to Harry. He also took her to Slughorn's Christmas Party. "Oh, sorry, Luna. Didn't see you there." He apologized. 

"That's okay, Harry. I get distracted by the Invisible Borrrowlump too." Luna assured.

"The what?" Harry asked.

"The Borrrowlump." Luna answered. "It's an invisible creature that likes to get inside the Castle sometimes. Maybe that's who's been stealing my shoes. I can't really tell." 

"Well, Luna. As much as I would love to speak with you about that creature." Harry said as politely as he could. "I've got to get to Professor Dumbledore. We have something to discuss." 

"Oh, what a coincidence." Luna said. "Professor Dumbledore gave me a notice to speak with him too." She claimed.

"What?" Harry asked. That didn't sound right to him. He couldn't have spoken to Luna about the Horcruxes. So why would he want to speak to her about?

"Yeah. He wouldn't give anymore details. But that all would be explained to me in time." Luna answered. 

"Okay. Well, we can go over together." Harry suggested. This all had to be a mistake. Surely Dumbledore meant to talk with Luna another night. And that Harry was sure that it would get all cleared out.

But it wasn't. When Harry arrived at Dumbledore's Office and speaking the password. He was surprised to also see Ron and Hermione, already there. As were Harry's other friends, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister. But no Dumbledore. "Guys?" Harry asked. 

"Hi, Harry." Neville greeted. 

"Neville? What are you doing here?" Harry asked. 

"Hello, Neville." Luna greeted pleasantly.

"Dumbledore wanted to speak to me." Neville answered. 

"That's what he told both Ron and myself." Hermione added. "I thought that it was to discuss our Prefect duties." 

"Of course you did." Ron commented rolling his eyes. 

"Ron." Hermione glared her eyes at Ron. "How many times-" 

"Shut it!" Ginny told them both.

"Thank you, Ginny." Harry thanked. He was annoyed by Ron and Hermione's bickering too. "So... where is Dumbledore?" 

"Not sure, mate." Ron answered. "You think that he called all of us here because of what happened last year in the Department of Mysteries?"

"It's got to be." Hermione said. "I mean. Why else would he call us here?" 

"Maybe that letter over there." Neville suggested.

And Harry saw a letter that was addressed to him. "It's Dumbledore's Handwriting." He said. 

'Harry. If you are reading this, my boy. Then there is something that I wish to discuss with you. I wish it could've been in person. But time is not our friend. I believe I have now guessed Voldemort's next strategy. Quite a bold one too. Then again, he always was a bold boy. With his Death Eaters now few in number, he is planning on recruiting more Dark Forces. Except it's not from this World. I believe that Voldemort has now found a way to interact with another Universe. Filled with Dark Forces who are just as power hungry as he is. Should they combine forces and find their way to our world, I fear that Voldemort will become even stronger. And he may create another Horcrux. This is why I have gone to this world to stop him. But I fear that I may not be enough to stop them on my own. That is why I have called upon you and your friends. You have all stood against Voldemort before in the Department of Mysteries, and are more than capable of the challenge. In my desk, you will find a vial containing information I wish for you to observe in the Pensieve. All of you must look at it. And when you do, a Mirror next to the Pensieve will glow and a portal will open. When you go through it, you will be transported to the Other World. In there, you will meet a fellow companion named Gandalf the Grey. Speak to him and mention my name. He will know what to do. And... please do as he asks you. But a word of caution. Should you cross the Other World. You cannot return until you have completed the mission. You are not obligated to help me or to go on this mission. But I am asking you to help. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.'

Harry finished reading the note. And his five other friends looked nervous about it.

"Dumbledore went to another world to stop Voldemort?" Neville asked.

"It looks that way." Harry answered. 

But Hermione looked skeptical. "Harry. Honestly. A door to another World? That's sounds like-" She started to say.

"Hermione. Look. It's Dumbledore's writing. And it seems like he needs our help. And it may be too big for even him to take down. Don't you know what this means?" Harry countered. 

"Come on, Hermione. Don't you think that Dumbledore-" Ron started to say.

"Well, how do we know that this isn't some sort of sick joke. And would he honestly leave a phial that can observe memories-" Hermione shot back.

"Found it." Ginny said opening a desk drawer containing a Memory. 

"Who's laughing now, Hermione?" Ron asked with a smirk. 

"Oh, alright." Hermione caved in not happy about being wrong. "Let just see this memory then." 

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