Chapter 2: That's what Bilbo Baggins hates.

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But just then, all the Dwarves started pillaging more and more of the pantry. Carrying out barrels of wine, jars of jam, blocks of cheese. Pretty much everything. Harry and Ron summoning it all to the table using magic. 

"Well, at least they're getting better at the Summoning Charms." Hermione commented a little nervously. Nervous because now she felt like a trespasser and they had just walked in on an innocent Hobbit and invaded his home without his knowledge. 

And Bilbo trying to stop the Hobbits. "Excuse me. That's my chicken! Oh no, not my wine! Put that back. Put that back!" 

"Do we really need all this food, Harry?" Neville asked.

"Well, I don't know what the eating habits of Dwarves are. For all we know they could have an extra stomach than humans." Harry answered and right as the Dwarf Gloin carried out three massive cheese blocks.

"That's... that's a tad bit excessive, don't you think?" Bilbo asked nervously. "Do you have a cheese knife?"

"Cheese Knife? He eats it by the barrel." Fili informed like Bilbo had just told a joke.  

"Harry. We can't just go inside and raid his pantry." Hermione said.

"Well why not?" Ron asked suddenly interrupting.

"Because it's rude." Hermione answered. 

"Read the bloody room, Hermione." Ron shot back. "The Dwarves are doing it. And Gandalf says that it's okay." 

"Yes, but he also didn't tell Bilbo that we were coming." Hermione countered. "And don't tell me to read the room. We all know why you're really doing this. You can't stop eating." 

But she had to duck as the Dwarves started taking more furniture into the dining room. With Bilbo looking livid.

"No no, that's Grandpa Mungo's chair, no, uh, so is that. Take it back, please. Take it back, this is an antique, not for sitting on. Thank you. That is a book, not a coaster. Put that map down." Bilbo ordered to no avail. 

"Oi! Can't hear what you're saying, Laddie!" The Dwarf Oin said as held a metal trumpet to his ear.

Gandalf had joined the Dwarves in the dining room where the table was now covered in food and drinks. 

"Excuse me, Gandalf?" Balin asked as he carried a tea tray. "May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile tea?" 

"Oh, no thank you, Balin. A little red wine for me, I think." Gandalf replied. 

Ron was also with the Dwarves eating. "And my Mum could make food just whip out of the air and onto your plates. You would like her. And what we could really go for, is a bunch of Butterbeers. The greatest beverage to ever live." 

"Now that sounds like a party." Dwalin agreed. 

All the Dwarves would later bang their plates and were burping. 

"You good with all of this, Ginny?" Harry asked as he sat down next to her. 

"Harry. I grew up with Fred and George. I can handle this group of Dwarves." Ginny answered. 

Luna was also telling stories to the Dwarves. "And that's what the Blibbering Humdinger is." She said.

"Ooooooo." The Dwarves all stared in awe. 

"Some people don't think that it exists. But they're so close minded." Luna added.

"No imagination." The Dwarf known as Gloin commented.

"That's what I said." Luna replied with a grin. 

Gandalf in the meantime was counting all the Dwarves and checking inventory. "Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Balin and Dwalin, we appear to be one Dwarf short." He said.

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