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                              M U R A D

Blood is thicker than water, that's what we were all taught. That family always comes first and it's true; my brother is coming after my life. He is thirsty for my blood. Every breath I take is a threat to his crown. 

"Murad," A warm hand rested on my shoulder and I turned my head towards the owner of the warmth, already knowing who it was. After all, we were the only people living in this house. 

"Valide, is something wrong?" I ask, turning my whole body towards her. My mother, Hafsa Sultan, the one whose beauty was beyond comparable. The woman of her times now stood in front of me with wrinkles and grey hair caused by all the worries.

Life has taken so much from her. 

But she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. 

"Şehzadım, you can't stay here any longer." She said with a little frown. "That person must have already spread the words about your encounter."

Şehzade huh. 

I smiled bitterly at the way she addressed me. Prince

A prince without a home. 

A prince who was hiding from the world. 

That title sticks on me like a leech that I can never shake off. The title that cost many princes born after the eldest prince their lives. A bitter reminder that I will forever remain in hiding, running away to live a day longer. To live for my mother. 

"I'm tired of running, mother." I sighed, turning away from her and sitting down on the couch. Life in hiding was getting harder and harder as days passed by. People always seemed to notice the uncanny resemblance between me and my late father, Sultan Bayezid Khan. 

I almost got caught today. The man from the market could have made it out that I was the missing prince if I stood there any longer. Or perhaps he had already recognized me and had gone to the Sultan. Perhaps they are already on their way to drag me to the mouths of hell. 

"I know." She whispered, taking a seat beside me and taking my cold hands in her warm ones. "But we have to. I would die if anything were to happen to you. I would die knowing that I wasn't able to protect you from that cruel tyrant. I cannot lose you to the dynasty."

I let out a mocky laugh. "Ironic how the dynasty that I was born into, that gave me life, now wants my life."

She didn't say anything nor did I. We sat in a complete silence neither talking or having any intention of. 

"I went to see Ahmed Bey." My mother broke the silence. 

"Who is that?" I asked. "And what have I told you about going out alone? It's very dangerous, mother. Don't do it."

She left out a chuckle. "Don't worry about me, Şehzadım. No one can recognize me." She said, ending it bitterly. It was true. No one aside from the insiders of the palace can see the faces of the women of the Sultan's harem. 

"But still, mother."

"Ok fine, I won't go out alone next time if that's what my prince wants." She said with a little smile. 

"So, who is Ahmed Bey?" I ask. 

Mother didn't waste a breath and told me all the following details as she dragged me to heaven knows where. 

We stood in front of a little hut built in the middle of the forest, which I never knew existed up until now. How on earth did my mother find his house? 

She knocked on the door and an elderly man opened it a little, enough to peak his head out. 

"Sultanım?" He said before opening the door wide enough. "Welcome."

"Ahmed Bey." My mother said with a nod as she walked in and I followed her and Ahmed Bey closed the door after us. I removed my hood as I look around. It didn't look like it belonged to a warrior but a sorcerer's. 

All kinds of herbs and small jars were hanging from the ceiling and it was so dark inside. The only light was coming from the holes in the roof. 

"This is my prince, Şehzade Murad." My mom introduced me and I nodded towards him. 

"Hmm one could tell from the first glance." The man replied as he inspected me. "His highness look just like the younger version of His Majesty, the late Sultan."

I cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable by the way he said it. 

"Ahmed Bey, I have heard a lot about you from my mother. Thank you for offering to help us." I said. 

He smiled and said nothing before walking towards his table at the other corner of the room. He grabbed a piece of paper and immediately started writing on it before rolling it and typing it with a small thread. 

He handed it to me. "I'm guessing your mother already told you what to do."

I nodded. 

"Good." He replied, nodding his head. "You leave by dawn."

"Thank you for your help, Ahmed Bey." Mother thanked him as she pulled out her ring and handed it to him only for him to refuse it. 

"Sultanım, please don't. I'm helping you because I made a promise to my late wife that I would help you." He said. "I expect nothing in return."

No one does anything for nothing. 


I knew it. 

"When the time comes for the prince to sit on the throne, he must marry one of my daughters." He said and my mother nodded reluctantly. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I look between them. "We never talked about this mother."


"Şehzadım, we all know the Sultan as no heir currently so it is obvious who will sit on the throne after him." 

I turn to my mother with a stern look. "Mother, this is the reason why he wants me dead."


"Şehzadım," Ahmed Bey interrupted as he put his hand on my shoulder. "We didn't mean it that way."

Didn't it mean that way? Of course he did. He, like everyone else, thinks I'm after that throne. 

"Şehzadım, listen to me." Mother came forward and cupped my face in her warm hands as she looked me in the eyes. "You are Şehzade Murad Khan, son of Sultan Bayezid Khan. It is your birthright."

I stare at her bewildered. What has gotten into her head? "Mother, I have no intention to step in that palace again let alone sit on that bloodied throne."

"Murad, you are not getting my point." She whispered in irritation as tears swell up her eyes. "You will do as I say. I did not spend my entire life hiding you away, fearing for your life just so you would turn away from me. I did my duty as the mother of a prince, now you will do yours."

"Do you understand me?" She asked. 

I bit my lips as I nodded my head. "Yes, Valide." 


I turned to Ahmed Bey who was standing there enjoying the little show. "What was the name again?"

"Derya." He replied. 

Right. Derya

The Prince Who Walked FireWhere stories live. Discover now