Chapter 12

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Ophelia was pampered by her servants for the banquet. She has to spend the whole afternoon preparing for the event.

As the banquet was not her plan, she didn't have a dress for the event; however, she didn't have to worry as the servant showed her a collection of trending dresses for her to choose from.

Therefore, she felt relieved. Ophelia's usual pastel colors aside, she decided to choose a bold and vibrant red dress. Pairing with a set of jewelry made out of ruby gems.

Ophelia looked at her reflection in the mirror and thought she was looking different, but in a good way. She looks mature and confident in her bold choice of a vibrant red dress.

With this choice of color, she exuded an air of elegance and sophistication. A fitting image of a matriarch of a powerful family.

"Ella," she called.

"Yes, madam," her servant responded.

"Refrain from calling me madam from now on. I'm currently the matriarch of the Lockhart household, a bachelorette. I prefer to be addressed according to my title," she stated firmly.

"...I understood, your grace," her servant responded.

Ophelia set aside that matter as she waited in front of a huge double door, waiting for her name to be called before entering.

The door slowly opened, revealing a grand ballroom filled with elegant guests.

"Duchess Ophelia Lockhart has arrived," announced a voice, and all eyes turned towards her.

She gracefully walked into the room, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the first time this many people had pointed their attention to her. She took a deep breath, determined to make a lasting impression.

With every step she takes, she can feel the burning gaze of the people around her.

Their eyes were fixed on her, as if judging her every move.

As soon as the duchess arrived at the banquet, the banquet started. Delicacies are placed on a table in every corner, but the food is barely touched as the guests are busy talking with each other.

Ophelia glanced at the food that she knew would be wasted. In a social event like this, delicacies might be served for the guests to enjoy but often go untouched as they prioritize conversation over eating to gain connection with one another.

The norm for high-class individuals is to engage in elaborate dining experiences as a means of networking and solidifying their social status.

They have the money to spend on extravagant meals and delicacies anytime, and the primary purpose of social events is to make connections.

Their social status is of utmost importance to them.

Ophelia started eating, ignoring the burning gazes at her that she bet from people that wanted to talk to her but were stopped by the servants who were instructed to block individuals from approaching her. She's not willing to talk to them.

Ophelia wiped her mouth with a napkin, savoring every bite of her meal. Then she stands up from her seat, ready to socialize for a bit.

Once the servants were out of their way, the crowd immediately flocked towards her.

Ophelia nodded and smiled graciously as she listened to the compliments and well wishes of the guests.

This banquet has only a few guests present, as only the heads of the houses of vassals and one plus one was invited. They were mostly asking about her well-being and trying to woe her.

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