Chapter 1: The Conqueror

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High Valyrian

The moment her steel grey eyes met the light of day, Morgana wished she had never opened them at all. Her head was pounding and the blaring sunlight gave her a sense of the worst hangover ever. When the ground beneath her finally ceased spinning she tried once more to open her eyes. 

Stumbling to her feet, she held the nearest stable object for support. She felt the harsh texture of bark under her fingertips, gripping the tree tightly to maintain her balance. 

After a few minutes of standing dormant, she felt her senses return to her. When her usual posture and grace returned to her, she was finally able to examine her surroundings. She was somewhere in a darkened forest. There was snow on the ground surrounding her, fresh and untouched. 

She didn't think she was in Scotland based on the pine trees surrounding her, not to mention the sheer amount of snow. She must have miscalculated the drop point, she must be somewhere in Norway or Sweden maybe. She muttered a simple warming charm under her breath to ensure she didn't freeze before beginning to walk in a random direction. 

She had awoken early in the morning and by the position of the sun, it was just about midday when she stopped to rest. But something in her magic beckoned her to stand, begged her to keep going. So, she listened. 

She kept going, much to the protest of her aching feet. Until-

"NO! AEGON!" A deep resounding roar echoed through the forest, shaking some of the snow off the trees. The ache of her legs became irrelevant as Morgana raced towards the horrified cries. When she broke the treeline, the young witch was met with an enormous dragon. The beast gently touched a collapsed form with its snout. 

The young Lady Slytherin didn't hesitate to approach, hoping she could help the man on the ground. Hearing her approach the Dragon's head snapped to the intruder, eyes blazing the beast let out a warning growl. "Don't. Stranger." The dragon roared. 

The familiar feeling of parseltongue echoed through her bones. She supposed dragons were a form of serpent, or close enough to where she could understand. 

"I mean no harm. I just want to help." She hissed in snakes tongue, earning a confused look from the dragon before her. 

"A Speaker? No speakers since the doom." The dragon crooned, tilting its enormous head in an inquisitive pout. 

"May I approach him? I promise not to hurt your friend." Morgana asked though she was going to help whether the beast allowed it or not. With a huff of acceptance, the dragon allowed her to come closer to his rider. 

The witch knelt next to the man's still form. He was handsome, with slight androgynous features that gave him a veela-like beauty. His hair was a silvery blonde that reminded her of her cousin Draco Malfoy's. He was dressed in some kind of armor with a sword strapped at his side. There were deep circles under his eyes proving that he hadn't slept in a while. 

With a simple diagnostic spell, Morgana determined that he simply passed out from exhaustion. He hadn't eaten, drank, or slept in days according to the vexed dragon. 

"What is your name? " Morgana asked the dragon as she brought out her wand to start transfiguring a camp. 

"Balerion. The Black Dread. The human is Aegon Targaryen." Balerion grumbled like a long-suffering older brother, clearly annoyed by his human's lack of care for himself. Morgana assumed the man was a wizard, based on the fact his dragon friend called him human and the fact that he had a dragon friend. 

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