Chapter 2: The Dream

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Morgana knew she was probably not handling the situation she was in normally. After fighting in a wizarding war from ages 11-17, she had grown accustomed to acclimating very quickly to strange or harsh situations. 

She should be crying. 

A normal person would probably cry in this situation. The frustration and helplessness were overwhelming, yet she could not find it in herself to grieve her lost life. 

She knew it was risky. Time magic is fickle and chaotic. Playing with time was as fruitless as challenging death, it's not impossible, but few have done it successfully. 

Morgana almost felt guilty for not freaking out. She always did feel guilty when she reacted 'abnormally' to things. She had seen many girls her age, cry over things simple as breaking a nail. Should she be more like that? Should she feel angry at the world like her cousin, Draco? Should she mourn the losses like Harry? Should she get stressed about classes and grades like Hermione? 

Morgana could never understand what a normal reaction would be. She feared that made her as empty and soulless as her distant relative Tom Riddle. A fear that Dumbledore exploited more often than not.

She sat quietly across from Aegon, eating the deer meat that Balerion had provided for them. She could feel the man staring at her as they consumed their breakfast. He looked at her with such intoxicated infatuation it made her question whether she had met the man before. 

Her magic was calling out to him, but that could mean a number of things. Magic reacting in such a way did not always foretell a romantic relationship, though there were many fairytales on the subject. 

"A few nights ago... I had a dream." Aegon broke the silence, abruptly slicing through the calm atmosphere. She looked at him, silver eyes meeting purple and she could not find it in herself to look away. He took her silence as an invitation to continue, "My family has a history of seeing the future in their dreams... In my dream, a great winter came from the far north and covered the world in an ancient darkness. All men fell to this enemy. But united, they survived. I saw my descendent, a prince who was promised, to unite the realm and fulfill the song of ice and fire."

"You speak in riddles... why are you telling me this?" Morgana asked bluntly, another 'abnormal' habit of hers. She was often far too blunt to be considered socially acceptable and she failed to read the room more often than not. 

Aegon however seemed strangely charmed by her lack of tact. It was odd, most people just shake off her unintentionally rude comments with an eye roll, but this strange man seemed to find her quirks endearing. 

"I'm telling you this, Lady Morgana because I saw you in this prophetic dream as well. My dream was majority representational. I saw your lovely face at the side of the promised prince... I believe I am meant to take you to wife and the promised prince shall descend from our line. In my days of fasting, I have also recognized the importance of uniting the seven kingdoms into one Westeros to stand against this threat." His eyes burned through her like the dragon fire flowing through his veins. 

Morgana sat for a moment, trying to decide how to respond. She had never been flirted with, but she was almost certain this was not the average method of pursuing courtship. 

She looked to Balerion translating what his rider had said before asking, "Is he serious? I am unfamiliar with courting rituals." 

The giant dragon gave a low snort that she assumed translated to a human shrugging his shoulders in shared confusion. "May I see it? Your dream." Morgana asked, setting her plate to the side. 

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