The Phantomhive, The Devil, and The Reaper

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Days seemed to pass by quickly as more and more dead bodies were prettied up by you (who was still learning of the way of the undertaker by the Undertaker) and the Undertaker himself.

You thought it was fun to learn about all the things that were needed for the preparation of one's funeral.

The two of you examined bodies closely, and in the past days there were many bodies that were practically torn in half. They were all slashed open just beneath their stomachs, most of which belonged to previously pregnant women. The Undertaker informed you that this was a clear sign of having been murdered by the infamous Jack the Ripper, a person who had recently gone around killing women left and right.

"But why would humans do that? I thought humans were really nice." You asked, clearly not well aware that humans can be just as evil, or if not worse, than a devil.

The two of you were currently staring at another deceased woman. Her stomach was ripped, just as the rest of them were. You didn't seem to mind the blood and organs, or the lack of them in this case, though. You were too focused on trying to stitch her stomach back together, under the instruction of the Undertaker.

"Who knows," the Undertaker replied, waving his hand in circles. "Some people are just a bit insane in the head."

"Hmm. Will they ever stop, do you think? That Jack the Ripper."

"I'm sure they will, soon."

You looked up from your stitching.

"What makes you think that?"

"The Aristocrat of Evil will catch them eventually." He told you.

Your head tilted to the side.

"Who's that?"

"Well, Ciel Phantomhive, of course!"

". . . The human in the coffin?"

The Undertaker laughed at this question, answering soon after, "No, I'm talking about the other one."

"Ah, the one with the same name? I remember now. But why would he catch them? Is he some sort of. . . Oh, what do humans call them again? The Yard! Is he a part of those? An officer?"

"Far from that. The Yard works for justice. The Phantomhive boy works under the command of her majesty. He's a good little dog, you see. He does everything she asks of him in the most evil of ways."

You continued stitching as the Undertaker spoke, commenting after that, "That Phantomhive sounds scary. I think I like the one in the coffin more."

The Undertaker placed a hand on your shoulder, reminding you to begin making a knot as you reached the end of the stitch.

"He's about your age, if I recall. And not much intimidating. He's about as scary as a little Chihuahua."

"A Chihuahua? What's that?"

"Well, a dog, of course."

"A dog! I'd forgotten dogs exist here!"

"'Here'? Do you bunch not have them up there?"

You shook your head.

"No. Dogs don't go to Heaven. They don't have souls. We have plenty of other animals, though. I used to have a cat, actually."

"How strange. How exactly can a thing live without a soul? It sounds unheard of."

"It is in Heaven, too! Nobody knows why dogs don't have them" You smiled fondly as you recalled a memory of yours, creating a knot at the same time. "I remember how the elders would tell us that they don't have souls because they're all distantly related to demon hounds. And they'd tell us that if you committed sin, a demon hound would dig his way up into Heaven and drag you down the same dark hole he came from. You wouldn't be able to cry for help, because your pleas would be covered by the screaming of the damned, the damned that beg for forgiveness and for someone to save them. No would help you either way, because if they did hear your screams, they'd know you committed a sin. And no one wants to help sinner. No one."

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