The Trancy and The Faustus

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"What were we doing again?"

You looked at Ciel with an excited smile, bringing your hands together to interlace, despite not remembering what you were excited for.

For the past minutes, the remainder of the ride, you and Ciel sat facing each other in silence for about five minutes.

You had been looking around the carriage, continuing to examine the smallest details of the human creation. Looking at every stitch, every thread, every carving, and every button, you had but one thought; Humans sure were smart!

Ciel, on the other hand, had been staring out the window of the carriage, not bothering to pay any mind to you, or for anything for that matter. He was far too deep in thought, mostly about you.

Now, that may have sounded romantic, but I utterly despise the fact I must clarify, Ciel was currently thinking something along the lines of, "Angels sure were heedless."

Ciel was resting his chin on the back of his hand, spacing out with a face of boredom and ennui. When you suddenly spoke out of the blue again, Ciel looked at you. His eyes suddenly regained amusement as he hummed to you.

"I am currently taking you to see my tailor. Her name is Nina Hopkins. She will take your measurements and fix you up some clothing for your wardrobe."

You blinked at him innocently.


He picked up his head off of his hand as he raised a brow to you.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, why are you taking me somewhere for. . . clothes?"

"Haven't we been over this? Because you've only have a single pair of clothing." He said in exasperation. "This is my way of thanking you for that night. Do not recall?"

You poked your own cheek with a single finger as you looked up in thought.

"That isn't what I mean. I deeply appreciate your thanks and kindness. But it's only. . ."

You looked down in slight worry.

"What is it?"

"It's. . . why do humans wear clothes. . . ? It's so. . . not normal." You whispered to him nervously. "I mean, I appreciate the normalization of the art! Humans are so very creative and passionate about it! It's worth adoring, I love it so much. . . But humans seem so. . . intense about it. Forcible, even."

You admitted to the discomfort of it when you told him with a shy blush, "I haven't seen a single person walking along in the nude! It makes me feel a bit isolated, it does!"

"You yourself aren't exactly normal, so I don't understand what the fuss is. And the nude is most definitely not normal. Such a thing is improper and earthy. It's illegal to be such a thing in public."

You frowned in desperation.

"But clothing seems so. . . restricting! And the body one has is natural, too! I mean, do humans not have the privilege of freeing their bodies? To be natural? To live in the state in which they arrived in? Er- I mean, born in?"

"It isn't natural. Not in the sense that you believe. Humans have worn clothing for centuries. It reflects character and status. Being naked is as if telling the world you are a madman. A pervert, if you will. Such an act, of being naked, is illegal when done in public, as it is unpleasant."

You felt a bit guilty for criticizing the culture of human beings, but having lived in a place in which most people saw clothing as trivial had an effect on you. Clothing were really only for show, a hobby, really! Even then, it was far different from what humans used clothing for. What was with the humans' obsession for it? And why did they feel the need to wear it at all times?

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