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Standing at the open door of the classroom down the hall, I raise my hand and knock twice as I step into the room. Thirty heads immediately turn and look my way. I clear my throat and set my focus on the teacher, Mr. Johnston. "Uh, Mrs. Lincoln sent me here, Sir."

"Ay, Sparky!" A glance to the back of the room immediately tells me the source of the call. A smile lifts my lips when I see one of my friends, Ben, grinning at me. I give him a quick nod before returning my attention to the reason I'm here.

"Ah, you must be George," Mr. Johnston gives me a warm smile, standing from his desk. "Back to work everyone!" He walks closer to me as the classroom thrums with low murmurs of students talking. "I assume Mrs. Lincoln has told you how this will work then?"

I nod, "One of your students is going to tutor me twice a week?"

"That's right. Every Tuesday and Thursday if that suits you fine?" At my nod, he continues, "I think this is a great idea. Your grades will improve and tutoring is a great way for Miss Quinn to improve as well. Teaching someone else is an excellent revision technique."

Miss Quinn. As he continues speaking, I try to place the name to a face. I come up blank.

"You're in good hands," He assures me with a smile, "She's my best student. Well, if you're all ready, I'll send you two off to the library." He turns towards his students and calls softly, "Rory?"

A girl in the front row lifts her head and gives her teacher a soft smile. She's clearly already been briefed on this whole tutoring situation, because she shuts her textbook, slots it into her bag and stands, walking towards us.

I know for certain I've never met this girl before. I would remember if I had. Her face is round, cheeks pink just like her lips. She's got long, dark lashes that frame bright blue eyes. Her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, lightly curled with a few pieces escaping, framing her face perfectly. As she approaches, I notice she's short. Much shorter than me. Which doesn't mean much, really. I'm the biggest guy on the rugby team, so I generally tower over everyone else anyway.

She's wearing the school uniform, like every other student. Her plaid skirt hits the middle of her thighs, legs covered by black sheer stockings. Her white shirt and tie is tucked neatly beneath the school sweater, sleeves pulled down slightly over her hands.

She stops beside me and looks up at Mr. Johnston. She blinks up at him, her smile gentle and welcoming.

"Aurora, this is George, who you'll be tutoring." Mr. Johnston says, gesturing to me.

Her eyes finally meet mine and the pink in her cheeks deepens. I can't comprehend words yet. The only thing in my brain at this moment is the opening chords of golden hour by JVKE. That's all I can think of when I look at her.

"Hi," She says softly to me, eyes darting thoughtfully between mine. A second passes before she turns back to her teacher. "We're going to the library then, I assume?"

Her voice is angelic.

"Yes, I've let the librarian know you're coming, so a table should have been reserved for you. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you two can head straight there, no need to come to class first. Off you go then, we're already fifteen minutes into the period." He shoos us out of the classroom and Aurora walks ahead of me.

My feet move without me telling them to. I follow her out of the room and fall into step with her as we walk down the hall. I think I may have forgotten how to speak.

Luckily, she looks up at me and breaks the silence, "You're from Mrs. Lincoln's class?"

I nod, swallowing thickly before I'm finally able to find my words. "I am."

She nods, dark curls bouncing perfectly behind her. "She's a good teacher. I had her for bio last year."

"Oh," Think, think, think, "Do you know how long we have to do this tutoring thing for?"

She tilts her head at me, blue eyes sparkling, "You trying to get rid of me already, George?"

Something about the way she says my name sends a shiver down my spine. "No, I—"

A soft laugh leaves her, the sound floating around us and shooting pure adrenaline through my veins. "I'm only teasing. I think it will be for this term at least. Depends how helpful I am, I guess."

We're quiet for a moment as we walk towards the library. I tuck my hands into the pocket of my slacks, trying to think of something to say to her. "Aurora?"

"You can call me Rory," She tells me, turning to look up at me again. Her smile is welcoming, "Everybody does."

"Oh," I furrow my brows. I don't really want to call her that. Aurora suits her so well.

"What did you want to ask?" Her voice is soft, patient.

"Uh... Oh, I was just wondering if you've always gone to this school. I don't think I've seen you around before."

She laughs again. It makes me smile. "I've always gone here, yes. It's a pretty big school though. Your face is a little familiar. I think I've seen you around once or twice."

Her words surprise me a little. I'm pretty popular, as are most of the rugby guys. Most people know who I am even if they've never met me. "I'm on the rugby team, so that might be why."

She tilts her head at me, narrowing her eyes a little as if she's scrutinising me. "Maybe. I don't really keep up with school sports though, so I don't think so. We've probably just crossed paths before in the halls. I'm pretty good at remembering faces."

"You don't like rugby?"

"I do, actually. I just don't know anyone on the school team, so I don't really keep up with it."

Her eyes meet mine and I give her a small smile. "Well, now you do."

Her smile brightens the entire hall, "I guess I do."

~ Pink Flamingo <3

~ Pink Flamingo <3

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