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There's a run in her stockings today. On the outside of her thigh. Her dainty fingers tug at it aimlessly as she reads my assignment that I rewrote this weekend.

It's Tuesday again. My assignment is due by the end of today.

I've missed her. Is that a bad thing? I've only seen her twice — three times, including today. But she is so lovely. So pretty. So kind. So smart. So thoughtful.

She asked how my rugby game went this weekend. I mentioned it to her on Thursday. When I spent five minutes rambling about it after I first got here, she sat next to me, smiling and listening. She congratulated me on winning. Had that gorgeous smile on her face.

I'm not looking at her face now. Though I could. Focus on the slope of her nose, the line of her jaw, the pout of her lips. But instead my eyes are on her fingers. Fiddling aimlessly with her stockings. That small patch of pale skin shown by the rip in the sheer fabric. Her legs are crossed, pleated school uniform skirt falling from the tops of her thighs, curved down to the chair she's sitting on.

"This is really good, George," Her soft voice draws my attention up to her face, thankfully before she catches my staring. She's giving me that proud smile. "You show a really good understanding of the topic. Good job."

"Thanks, Aurora." I duck my head as my cheeks heat, feeling a little bashful under her praise.

"Now, should we start on plants and animals?" She asks.

I drop my head back with a soft groan of disapproval.

She giggles softly, tilting her head at me. "Okay, how about... We have half an hour left of the period. We'll go over the first couple pages of notes I have, and that's it. But you have to read the first chapter in the textbook before I see you on Thursday."

I give her a smile. "Deal."

Her gaze drops to my mouth briefly before she turns her attention to her notebook. She opens it up to the correct page and slides it closer to me, leaning in a little. The smell of her perfume assaults my senses in the best possible way.

As she speaks, I find myself getting distracted again. Not completely unintentionally, I start drumming my fingers against the edge of the desk. After about thirty seconds, her hands dart out, wrapping around my own. My heart sours at the touch and beats incredibly fast as her eyes meet mine.

She gives me a little glare. "George."

My smile is lazy, happy, "Aurora."

"Stop that. You know I find it annoying."

"And you know I find it difficult to focus." I murmur in response, feeling cold when she takes her hands away again.

"Fidget quietly," She scolds gently, turning back to the notes.

After about fifteen minutes, she finishes with her explanation and I answer all her questions, proving I was paying at least a little attention. She shuts her book and looks up at me.


"Yes, George?" She's always so patient when she answers my questions.

"What other classes do you take?"

She sits back in her chair, turning a little in my direction as she answers. "Calculus, chemistry, physics, english, psychology, and geography."

My brows jump, "So you're... really smart."

Her blush is maybe my favourite thing ever. "I'm really not."

"You are." I insist, "To me, you are."

"What other classes do you take?" She asks instead of answering that.

"P.E, english, stats, history, hospitality, and health."

Her knee bumps mine under the table, "What do you want to do once you finish school?"

"I don't know," I admit, "What do you want to do?"

"Science," She murmurs. She's picking at the run in her stocking again. "Not sure what kind."

"See," I grin, "Smart."

She rolls her pretty blue eyes. "Whatever."

We're quiet for a moment. Her knee is touching mine again. Not just an accidental brush. It's pressing against mine. My skin burns hot, even through my trousers. "Aurora?"

"Yes, George?"

"What class do you have next?"

"Calculus," her eyes find mine, "Why?"

I give a little shrug, wondering whether to ask. There's a silent moment before I blurt, "Can I walk you there?"

Reluctantly I meet her wide-eyed gaze. Her pink lips are parted slightly. "You want to walk me to class?"

"Yeah," I grumble, sinking down into my seat. "So?"

She blinks up at me, "Why?"

I shrug again, "Don't want to go to history class."

Her face brightens with a grin. "Okay. You can walk me to class."

The bell rings a moment later and we both pack away our things. When we stand, the height difference between us is much more prominent. Aurora clearly notices as well.

She tilts her head at me, "How tall are you?"

I gesture for her to walk ahead of me as I answer, "Six foot six."

Her brows jump, "I knew I wasn't that short. When I first saw you, I started questioning it a little. You're just really tall."

I fall into step beside her as we start walking towards the entrance of the library. Peering down at her, I ask, "How tall are you?"

"Five foot five." Her eyes find mine, "I get how you're so good at rugby. I mean, you're practically built for it. Tall and broad."

"How do you know I'm good at rugby?"

"You said you scored three tries on Saturday, didn't you?"

"I did." I open the library door for her, allowing her to step out first.

"See. That must mean you're good." She nods her head to the left once we're outside, "My class is just down here."

I follow her down the hall. She walks slightly ahead of me, head held high. We reach her classroom too soon and she stops just outside the door. She turns to look up at me.

"Thanks for walking me, George."

I nod once. She rocks up on her tiptoes once then back to flat feet, eyes contemplative. Then she just smiles, giving me an adorable little wave before she disappears into the room. 

~ Pink Flamingo <3

~ Pink Flamingo <3

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