Fit For A King

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"(Y/n)!" Penguin and Shachi called out as they ran separate ways to find her.

"(Y/n)!!!" Everyone started with another search party. "(Y/n)!!!"

I found myself walking towards the only lights on this god forsaken land and saw Doflamingo was being advertised here. 'my father sent me to Doflamingo's domain in hopes of finding someone who was willing to marry me at the age of 18.. as you know, I'm well over that..they needed my thumb print to confirm that I had agreed to the terms on conditions of this agreement. I refused, so I was locked in a sell until I was able to suck it up and accept my fate.' I thought to myself, remembering her past.

The pit in my stomach tensed up, as I felt my heart sinking quickly, then raise to the back of my throat. It hurts to swallow my own saliva, yet I choked it down and tried to keep myself level headed. "If he got her, then we have 2 missions in one." I spoke quietly

(Y/n) POV

I sat in the sell I had once suffered a great long year in. Now reliving my miserable past once again in order to be officially married to a mad man. The one that killed Law's dad... My only friend.. I sighed as I sat in the sell. I looked calm, but I was beyond pissed off. "So, why did you leave? And why didn't your father send you right back here?" Doflamingo asked

"I left because I don't agree with your terms and conditions. I don't want to marry you. I have an interest in someone else." I spoke

"And who might that be?" He asked

"The one you thought you had tied to strings like a puppet, yet got away with your brother's help." I spoke vaguely of Law, which made Doflamingo's veins show in his forehead as his brows knitted together with rage

"YOU HAD NO IDEA THAT BOY EXISTED UNTIL YOU GOT OUT!!!" He growled with venom spilling from his words like a leaking faucet.

"Jealous?" I inquired

"Jealous...? Am I jealous? Oh, no darling. Not at all.. Would you like to know why?" He asked becoming more and more aggravated by the second

"Why's that?" I asked with a cocky tone to my voice

"Because I'm going to finish what I started, and I'm going to kill Law before he gets a chance to lay a single eye on you. I told you once before, and I'll tell you again. You will be mine." He spoke with a small laugh as he showed me the paperwork with a finger print on it. Black ink visible on the white paper.

My heart dropped as I quickly looked at my hands and saw the same black ink on my thumb, proving that it was my finger print on the page before me. "YOU MONSTER!!" I yelled with anger in my voice. My voice breaking just a bit. He started laughing like a maniac as he walked out.

My heart raced a mile a minute as my mind followed suit. I hated the idea of marrying someone so heartless and cold. I never wanted to marry him to begin with.. now I'm forced.

"I see you found yourself in some trouble." A man's voice spoke, he sounded depressed, which I don't blame him. His voice was dry almost as if he hadn't had water in days.

"Yeah.. thanks, captain obvious." I snapped back with a snarl as I felt myself becoming more and more aggressive verbally.

"Easy, now. We can help each other out of this mess. Law wouldn't want you to be in this situation, and I know you're not a fan of this either. Allow me to help you once more." He spoke

'once more...?' I thought to myself as I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. "Once more?" I questioned

"You should know who I am... You mentioned me not too long ago." He spoke

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