Chapter 20

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The Dragonpit was a swirling frenzy of people, their excited murmurs filling the air. Elaena stood resolutely by Helaena's side, the princess seeking solace in the comforting touch of Elaena's arm amidst the bustling crowd.

"People of King's Landing, today is the saddest of days." Otto's voice boomed, commanding the attention of the assembly, "Our beloved king, Viserys the Peaceful, is dead."

Whispers rippled through the crowd, but Elaena remained unfazed, her gaze fixed on the sea of faces before her. Aemond cast occasional glances in her direction, intrigued by her composed demeanor.

"But it is also the most joyous of days. For as his spirit left us, he whispered his final wish that his firstborn son, Aegon, should succeed him, and Elaena shall be his queen."

The crowd erupted into applause, their collective gaze turning towards Elaena. Helaena's grip on Elaena's arm tightened, her concern palpable.

With the sound of trumpets filling the air, the royal guards formed a path as Aegon made his grand entrance. Elaena's eyes followed his measured steps as he approached them.

"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this. A new day for our city. A new day for our realm. A new king to lead us." Otto declared, his voice resonating with conviction.

Elaena found herself growing increasingly irritated by Otto's presence, his voice grating on her nerves. Aegon ascended the platform, standing before Alicent. She planted a kiss on her son's forehead before being guided by his mother toward the priest, where he knelt.

"May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." the priest intoned, wiping Aegon's forehead with a blessed liquor.

Ser Criston received the crown, approaching Aegon, "The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations." he proclaimed, carefully placing the crown upon Aegon's head, "Let the Seven bear witness, Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne."

With the priest's offered hand, Aegon rose to his feet, accepting the gesture.

"All hail His Grace, Aegon, Second of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm." the priest yelled as the bell tolled.

One by one, everyone bowed as Aegon glanced at them. For a fleeting moment, Elaena and Aegon's eyes met, her eyebrows raising in defiance as she chose not to bow. Aegon, in turn, averted his gaze and faced the crowd. The crowd bowed in unison as Aegon's gaze swept across them.

"Aegon the King!" the priest declared.

Elaena rolled her eyes as the crowd erupted into cheers, their voices resounding with fervour.

"Aegon the King!"

"Long live Aegon!"

Aegon unsheathed his sword, thrusting it skyward, and the cheers swelled to an even greater crescendo. Eventually, the crowd settled, their enthusiasm abating.

"A king is incomplete without his queen." Otto proclaimed, his gaze shifting to Elaena with such disdain, "Today marks yet another joyous occasion."

Alicent glanced at Elaena, nodding in acknowledgment. Elaena bit her lip as Aegon stepped aside. Exhaling a deep breath, Elaena walked towards the centre, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes upon her.

Otto was glaring at her as he approached her, placing a firm hand on her shoulder, his grip tightening as he forced her to kneel. Fire blazed in Elaena's eyes as she locked her gaze with Otto's, her hatred for him unmistakable. The priest mirrored the action, performing the same ritual. This time, it was Alicent who stepped forward to place the crown on Elaena's head.

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