Chapter 22

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Night descended, and the chamber was bathed in the gentle glow of candlelight, casting an eerie luminescence upon the intricately painted table. Elaena stood by, a silent observer, along with Jace, Luke, as her father, and a council member, engaged in a tense discussion. Arden, volunteered for patrol duty, a responsibility that extended beyond safeguarding Elaena to protect her entire family.

"It's no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons. And have. The simple truth is this, we have more dragons than Aegon." Daemon declared with conviction.

"Viserys spoke often of the Valyrian histories. I know them well. When dragons flew to war... everything burned. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone." Rhaenyra countered.

"Are you considering the Hightowers' terms, Your Grace?" inquired one council member.

"As Queen, what is my true duty to the realm, Lord Bartimos?" Rhaenyra retorted. "Ensuring peace and unity? Or that I sit the Iron Throne, no matter the cost?" 

"That's your father talking." Daemon interjected.

"My father's dead. And he chose me as his successor... to defend the realm, not cast it headlong into war." Rhaenyra muttered, her gaze following Daemon as he paced near the fireplace.

Daemon's voice grew more intense as he asked, "Well, the enemy have declared war. What are you gonna do about it?"

Tension hung heavy in the air as Rhaenyra stared at him for a moment before issuing a commanding order, "Clear the room." In haste, everyone fled, obedient to their queen's decree, fearful of what might transpire if they lingered.

Daemon cast a fleeting glance at Elaena, giving her a nod before she retreated, acknowledging his dismissal. With a heavy heart, Elaena exited the chamber and made her way to Helaena's room, where her younger sister welcomed her with open arms.

Helaena embraced her tightly, offering a comforting pat on the shoulder. Elaena couldn't help but smile, wrapping her arms around Helaena as she nestled into the crook of her neck.

"With courage as fierce as the dragon's breath," Helaena spoke softly as they held each other close. "They'll tread the path, confronting death."

Elaena raised her head slightly and met Helaena's gaze, her sister's hand resting gently on her. "For in their sacrifice, the world shall see the dawn of a future as it's meant to be."

Elaena lingered in Helaena's room for hours, but eventually, she bid her sister goodnight as Helaena grew sleepy. Elaena chuckled and pressed a loving kiss to Helaena's forehead before leaving her room.

Her feet led her to the shore, where she found Silverwing resting comfortably, the rhythmic crashing of waves providing a serene backdrop. Sensing her presence, the dragon slowly opened her eyes, locking them with Elaena's. Elaena hummed and settled down beside her, leaning into her beloved companion. A low, contented rumble emanated from Silverwing as she wrapped her tail and wings around Elaena.

Elaena closed her eyes, allowing the warmth and security to envelop her, and as the darkness crept in, it gently lulled her to sleep.

The morning sun heralded a new day, and the council convened once more. Rhaenyra occupied a chair at the head of the room, listening intently as the council members voiced their opinions.

"The purpose of war is to fill graveyards, my dear Lord Staunton. The trick is to put more of their men in the ground than your own." one council member opined.

"Easy words for a lord who commands from the safety of his castle." another retorted.

"Doesn't make it any less true." yet another chimed in.

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