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I find myself in the kitchen, overwhelmed with stress after the interview at the Vasilios mansion. Just after the interview ended, Madeleine delivered the news that I didn't have a say in the matter; Mr. Vasilios had already made the decision for me.

I am his future nutritionist whether I want to or not.

Who knows what he will do when I refuses. I don't want to anger the man, the goat.

While I paced around in distress, Ava stands nearby, doing her best to offer me comfort and calmness. Unfortunately, my anxiety refuses to subside. With tears streaming down my face, I wave the meal plan in front of Ava and cry out, "I got the job, and I don't know what to do!" In my frustration, I directed my anger at Ava, blaming her for dragging me into what I perceive as foolish endeavors.

Ava's eyes widen in surprise, clearly taken aback by my outburst. She reaches out to touch my arm gently, trying to soothe my distress. "Hey, take a deep breath," she says softly. "I know this might not be how you envisioned to become a nutritionist, but look at the bright side. The pay is beyond good."

Her words cut through the fog of my anxiety, momentarily offering a glimmer of hope. I take a deep breath, attempting to compose myself. "You don't understand, Ava," I manage to say, my voice trembling. "This isn't just about the pay. It's about me. I don't know anything. I don't even know how to cook!"

"Miss girl," Ava said, "grab your laptop and open the YouTube app. All those meals listed on that meal plan, you will find all their recipes on YouTube. Trust me!"

I stared at Ava, momentarily taken aback by her simple yet practical suggestion. Opening the YouTube app on my laptop, I began searching for the recipes of the meals listed on the plan. As the screen filled with an array of cooking tutorials, my anxiety slowly started to fade.

Ava leaned in closer and said, "Cooking is an art, my love. And like any art, it takes practice. Don't be too hard on yourself. Take it one step at a time and enjoy the process. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll learn."

Her words resonated with me, reminding me that I didn't have to be an expert from the start. With determination fueling my actions, I selected the first recipe and embarked on my culinary journey. The anxiety that once overwhelmed me now transformed into a sense of excitement and possibility. "Okay, so maybe I can do this."

"Of course you can," Ava said laughing, "you're a smart girl."


As I left school, a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation filled my chest. Today was the first day I would be cooking at the Vasilios mansion. The thought of preparing a meal for the King of Football made my heart flutter. I was nervous but it was a different kind of nervousness than the one from the night before. I had gained some confidence, thanks to Ava's encouraging words

Arriving at the grand gates of the Vasilios mansion, I could feel my palms getting slightly clammy. The guard, recognizing me from yesterday, nodded with a friendly smile and swiftly opened the gate, granting me access. The imposing entrance and the manicured grounds left me once again in awe, but there was no time to get lost in the splendor of the surroundings.

Following Madeleine's instructions, I made my way to the back entrance where she had given me a key. Unlocking the door, I stepped into the quiet hallway, taking a moment to gather my thoughts. The aroma of freshly cut flowers and polished wood filled the air, adding to the aura of elegance that enveloped the mansion.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the comforting scents, and focused on the task at hand. Today's menu called for sardines and sprouts, quiche with carrots and legumes. I had prepared meticulously, gathering the finest ingredients and researching various techniques to ensure a memorable meal.

Entering the spacious kitchen, I glanced around, taking in the gleaming stainless steel appliances and the vast expanse of countertop space. For some reason it looked so different than yesterday.

I set about organizing my ingredients, arranging them neatly on the counter. The vibrant orange carrots, fresh sprouts, and assorted legumes awaited transformation into a delicious quiche. The sardines, firm and glistening, were ready to be transformed into a delectable seafood dish.

With each slice and chop, I felt a growing sense of calm and purpose. My hands moved with more confidence, guided by the knowledge I had gained from countless hours of watching YouTube videos. I marinated the sardines in a blend of herbs and spices, carefully considering the balance of flavors that would enhance their natural taste.

As the aroma of the quiche filled the kitchen, the nerves that lingered within me started to fade away. The delicate fragrance of the carrots mingled with the earthiness of the legumes, promising a harmonious combination of flavors.

Time seemed to both fly and stand still as I meticulously cooked each component of the meal. The sardines sizzled in the pan, their skin crisping up to a beautiful golden brown. Meanwhile, the quiche, with its tender crust, transformed into a masterpiece as it baked to perfection in the oven.

With the final touches complete, I put the dishes in plastic containers and stashed them all in the fridge. When I looked at the time it was already 6.30 pm. Right on time.

I cleaned up the kitchen counter and finally left the mansion at 7.00 pm sharp.

I arrived home at 9.00 pm because I stopped to buy burgers and fries on my way home. A treat for my crazy best friend for landing me this job. When I entered the house, Ava was already fast asleep. I guess she had a busy day at school and work today. I placed her burger and fries in the fridge.

I heat up mine in the microwave and while I was waiting to hear the beep beep sound my phone buzzed indicating that I got a message.

I opened it and my heart almost escaped my chest.

Ms. Shadid,

The salt is in the first drawer and the sugar in the second. Why does my Sardines taste like it has been drowned in the Dead Sea?


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