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'Author's pov'

Yn's body trembled with fear when she witnessed blood dropping on the floor. She couldn't think of anything right then.

Getting periods in a total new surrounding was her biggest fear. Her Yuxi sister would always distract her from period pain but now she isn't even here with Yn. She clutched on her towel and backed continuously until she touched the wall.

Thousands of thoughts build up on her mind. Will he throw her out because she is making the floor dirty with her blood?

Will he make fun of her like those boys in her class? Will he point out her stains and laugh out loudly.

Her eyes got teary and she looked down feeling humiliated and sad remembering those days at her class.

The door was opened loudly making her to flinch. She raised her head only to witness Jungkook looking at her confusedly.

Her leg trembled even more when he shifted his gaze down at her legs. He saw the blood leaking from her leg to the ground.

Her stomach was paining to the point where she might just faint out within a second.

He turned his gaze back at her whose now eyes were already wet and the tears slowly slid down from her eyes.

The little figure more trembled when he forwarded himself towards her.
She shook her head with fear. "N-no."

She cried out loudly making him to stop at between. She was still shaking her head in denial.

He felt her slowly passing out and he immediately ran towards her, holding on her.

"Yo-you shouldn't tou-touch me. I am di-dirty." She spoke lowly while still crying and he furrowed his brows.

"Do-don't mock m-me pl-ple." She tried to speak before completely passing out in his chest.

He looked at the unconscious figure before closing his eyes, trying to calm him down and think of something appropriate to do at that time.

He placed her down at the bed and looked at his hand where a little blood was sticked.

He turned her over only to see stains all over the lower part of towel.. He wiped away his hand with a cloth and held on his temple.

"Fuck." He groaned and started to destroy everything present on the room.

After some seconds, he walked out of the room furiously and straight up went towards the meeting room.

Namjoon was sitting there while talking with other lords who were waiting for the Devil to arrive.

All of them saw Jungkook walking inside the room in a wild way and everyone stood up, paying their respect.

"Lord, we were waiting for you to arri-"

And without giving them a minute to speak, Jungkook grabbed Namjoon's collar.

"Bring me a cotton cloth." The Devil ordered while Namjoon nodded his head.

"Are you injured by the way?" Namjoon worried and waited for an answer while Jungkook didn't really give an importance to it.

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