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In hell,

Yn was laying down at the large bed, unaware of that fact that hundreds of physician has already tried their best to cure her.

The fear of the Devil sitting right in the throne infront was disturbing them more. But they must accomplish the task no matter what.

Finally the head physician arrived and took her wrist into his hand, examining her all regulation.

She was all lifeless, her lips dried and her face pale. Her eyes were shut down and her body was getting weaker each second. It was somehow affecting the devil, maybe physically but more mentally. He was tensed for her, not for him anymore.

His head was rested in his hand and his hand were placed on the arm of the chair. The physician took a deep breathe and stood up from the bed and forwarded himself towards Jungkook who was lost into his own thoughts.

"Lo-lord, I have a bad news for you." The physician said as he gave himself a confidence to speak out.

The eyes of the devil raised upon itself after listening to the statement. He looked straight at the physician standing there with fear.

"What bad news?" He asked deadly.

"The poison which attacked her now has gotten so high that it has taken over 95% of her blood. So I don't see any solution here anymore. She needs the antidote immediately or else she'll die within maximum 5 days." He replied pausing his breathe in between.

The evil heart which never really had beat was now starting to get rapid. "Then fucking use the antidote immediately." He shouted at the doctors.

"No one have the antidote, except the one who had the poison, who attacked her body." The Devil knew who it was. He immediately stood up in his feet and was just going to get his work done when he got stopped in between.

"But be aware lord, the owner of the antidote must not get destroyed. If something bad happens to him then you'll lose the antidote and this little girl too, for forever." His heart clenched the corner. He felt his world being destroyed at the moment.

He could never behave nice to that bastard, who destroyed his childhood and his mother's life. He was sure that the rascal won't give him the antidote that easily unless it's a threat. But the physician now has totally forbid him from threatening the Deity.

The Devil nodded his head and gestured all the physician to leave the room. He went back towards the figure laying lifelessly in the bed. Her clothes were all soaked from top to bottom, it was making the weak girl weaker.

He went towards his closet to take out a warm cloth and brought it back towards her. He slowly made her sit down at the bed and place her head at his shoulder.

Her body was all hot from up to down because of fever. He carefully took out her outer clothes without looking towards her. The top were already down and he slowly began covering up her body with his clothes.

He placed her down at the bed and was just going to leave when he felt himself getting stopped in the middle. He looked back at the sleeping figure to see her clutching into his coat tightly with those little fingers.

He loosened the grip of her finger and went out without glancing back. He was just focused into bringing the antidote to her.

While he went away, the tired eyes of Yn began opening in a slow speed. Before everything was blur, but the dark ceiling started getting clear when her eyes fully opened up.

The Devil's Forbidden Love ||Jk FF||Where stories live. Discover now