chapter 3🐇

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"Cruel , ha ha ha ha ha ",the bunny boy tried to laugh like a maniac as he had seen in movies that villain laugh like this and it was becoming difficult with every passing second for taehyung to hold back his laughter .

"You wouldn't wish to listen to how cruel I am ",
Do you know how many people I have killed . he asked the elder dramatically to which the elder shook his head slowly acting as if he is scared by the Bambi infront of him

" ....Millions ", he exclaimed while opening his arms showing that he has killed alot of people

"Oh my God , these are many ", the elder played along with the  younger .

"Yes they are but what can I do they do bad bad things so I have to kill them " , the younger tried to be reasonable pinching the bridge of his  nose acting as if he is so worked up by bad people

"Like what ?", the elder asked interestingly

The bunny boy now panicked , he didn't know what to answer so he pouted while thinking

*Not that pout again ....please , the elder wished in his thoughts , oh !!how badly he wished to kiss that pout away*

After thinking for a while , he came up with an idea , he was so proud of his brain

" bad bad people raise the price of Nana milk,they need to be punished "

Now taehyung accidently left a laughing sound that offended the younger again , he stood up from his seat

"WHAT ????? DO YOU HAVE DEATH WISH ........MISTER KIM TAEHYUNG .YOU ARE DEAD MEAT NOW" ,the younger lashed out at elder  he was so pissed off that the elder was not believing him.

Felix , mark and Jackson stood up they knew it's the time , they knew that V was gonna kill the younger then and there mercilessly....

"Okay okay sorry V sshi ", the elder apologize to  the younger , enjoying the commotion the boy was causing .

The young boy sat on his seat ,  trying to calm his nerves  down .

" I really need to drink ", he said while pinching the bridge of  his  nose indicating he was pissed off beyond limits .

Taehyung was bit taken aback with this new information, he never thought that this fragile boy drinks too.

The younger pressed the button near his seat , to which an airhostess came, a different one this time .

"Sir do you need something ", she asked politely to the boy sitting looking like an angry bunny , pinching the bridge of his nose .

He held his head up to meet the eyes of the sweet  airhostess.

"Yes noona , koo needs Nana milk urgently , he needs to calm down" he said while breathing out .

*Oh God Kim taehyung you are doomed he is talking in third person ,oh godddddddd , when I think he can't be more cuter he proves me wrong , taehyung get a hold of yourself , so his name is koo , cute , really cute "

"Nana milk ...........oh mean banana milk ?" The airhostess asked internally cooing at the bunny boy

"Yes please ", he replied

"Sir do you need anything ?", The air hostess asked the elder of the two .

Suddenly the demeanor of the elder changed . He became'  V 'with in fraction of seconds .

"A champagne", he ordered coldly and the airhostess shivered at the tone of the male

After sometime a banana milk and a champagne was served to the duo who were bickering again on some random topic because the younger is adamant that a rabbit lives on the moon but the elder was not having it today. 

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