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November 2013

The sun shone in the sky brightly, the noise of engines disappeared into the background and the occasional, very rare chirping of birds could be heard which was rather unexpected but that didn't stopped or intervened the two brothers who stood in the centre of the small hall of Nottingham Cottage.

William looked at the clothes which were lying around in a messed state. They were ironed yesterday and today it looked like they will look more good in a laundry basket rather than, the green-brown bag of Harry in which he was dumping them one by one.

"What the hell are you doing? These clothes will look more good in a laundry bag than that bag of yours which you are going to take with you to Afghanistan"

"I have to get them ironed once again their, so it would be a waste of electricity here" Harry lightly shrugged his shoulders.

"But you hate wearing clothes which have creases?" William brought up, a habit of his little brother because of which he had even lashed out too.

"So what wrong will happen, if I don't wear creased clothes. This shouldn't be a problem, when there are many people in this world who don't even have good clothes to wear. If I take my luxuries and privileges for granted, what kind of a person I will be?" Harry said, his voice soft and left the room.

Ever since his last deployment in Afghanistan in 2012, he had changed. He was more grounded, more reserved which he has never been before. William liked this change but he couldn't recognise his brother anymore. It looked like his time in Afghanistan and the seven months after that changed him. He stopped acting like a spoiled brat and now was more responsible towards himself and his responsibilities.

He looked happy but depressed. There was an uncertainty in his eyes which William never saw before, about his decisions. In these past months, he hadn't had a single one night stand, a single overdose of drugs and had willingly enrolled him self into a rehab which was a good thing.

He was happy for Harry but at the end, he seemed unrecognizable. He didn't partied, like before, had an argument with their father. Instead he learned cooking and now he was a very good cook.

William's train of thoughts were broken when Harry re-entered with a paint brushes, a color palette, sketchbook,pencils and a box of paint colours. He made some space reserved for them.

He didn't really questioned much considering Harry's therapist had told him to paint (his hobby) to destress. There were a few photographs too of their family in it.

"You know I am going to host a family dinner today. Just to you know bid my farewells to everyone before I leave. So, can you and Kate come up to the dinner tonight? Dad, Camilla everyone is gonna be their" Harry explained as he gulped down water from the bottle.

"I guess it should be us giving you a dinner, wishing you luck for your last deployment. Not you" William said, he was taken aback by his brother's words. A laugh erupted younger man's mouth.

"No, William. It should be me. I want to cook for All of you before I leave" he said and older man slowly nodded. He was going to say something when his phone rang and he read the name 'Kate'.

"Yes, babe." He said picking up the phone call and listened intently to her. 

"Okay, okay. I will be there in a minute" He ended the phone call, to find his brother staring at him with raised eyebrows.

"George is crying and Kate is not able to make him quiet. So, I have to go" Harry nodded at his words and walked over to him.

Harry looked at him with a small sad smile and hugged him while saying " You are the best brother, my best friend and I don't say it enough but I love you, brother and I always will" A smile bloomed on William's face and he hugged him too.

"I know" he said and they both laughed remembering the dialogue of Han Solo from 'Empire Strikes Back'

"I am sorry for whatever pain you have went through because of me -" he took a deep breath and said the last words in a whisper " and are going to go through because of me" William didn't knew what to say when he heard the last part.

What was he talking about but Harry had a tendency of being melodramatic too at times and when he became emotional he said things which didn't really meant anything.

William left soon after that.

The day of deployment arrived sooner than expected and here they were standing infront a Royal Air Force Jet which will leave for Kabul in a few minutes.

William handed Harry his bag, earning a grateful smile from him.

Kate and little George, strapped in his baby carrier looked at the departing soldier. It was Harry's wish or rather a demand to have George their when he leaves for his deployment.

George was staring at everything around him in wonder whereas Kate looked at Harry with a smile and leaned forward to hug him knowing that she won't get to see him for the next 20 weeks.

Harry gave a kiss to George who was too busy to pay any heed to it and lastly turned to his brother and hugged him.

"Be safe, and eat healthy. You have a tendency of not eating anything which is healthy. You understand that?" William said and separating from the hug.

"Don't play to many video games" Kate quipped earning an eye roll from him.

"Yes, Mom and Dad. I will keep that in mind" He said and held George once again in his arms.

He looked at them on last time before boarding the plane and before going inside where other soldiers were, he waved at them one last time before disappearing from their vision.

The couple looked at each other with a smile as a few minutes the jet was off to Afghanistan.

The next time they would see Harry will be when his deployment ends which was twenty weeks later and he returns home.

But little did they knew, especially William knew.

They won't see him ever.

As Harry would never return home.

On 10th December 2013, Harry disappeared from the military base and was never found again. He was considered dead both by military and people, after almost three years of his disappearence but not by his family, not by his brother


Author's Note

Hope you liked it?

What happened to Harry? Did he die or is he still alive? What happened to Harry in his 2012 deployment that he changed so drastically?

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