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" I am missing, William. You didn't even saved me or came looking for me. You broke your promise,brother". A ginger haired man cried as William stood in a dark room.

"No, no. I didn't break my promise. Harry" William said trying to justify himself and reached out to the man in front of him who simply took steps back.

"You did. You were too busy in your family that you forgot me and didn't even thought of reaching out to me" He cried once again.

"No I did not" William slumped down on a wall and cried as Harry shouted at him and darkness clouded his eyes as his voice faded in the background.

December, 2019

William woke up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily from his nightmare. His gaze went out to the drawn white curtains which emitted the hue of city lights meaning it was still time for dawn.

He looked besides him, his wife's soft breathing fanned his palm. Tickling his palm with her warm breaths, he caressed her face lovingly and kissed her forehead.

His sudden action woke her up, her eyes stared at the sweat droplets on his forehead with concern. She at up from her position and cupped his cheek.

"Nightmare?" She asked him, softly. He slowly nodded his head and kissed her palm.

"I don't know, Kate. I can't accept what everyone in this country has accepted that my brother is dead, I can't. I am getting better now, the nightmares have reduced in number but how can someone so easily accept the death of someone close to you, when the dead body has never been found. How can I accept the death of a little brother who held my hand while learning to walk, how can I ?. The therapist told me that it would be a good start if I slowly accept that he is not around me and eventually I would accept that he is not in this world anymore but I don't want to "
he took a deep breath as his breathing got heavy with every word he spoke. A sheen layer of water appeared in front of eyes, making his vision slightly blurry.

"I know, what you are feeling. I feel the same too, Harry was my brother too and with no news of him for past six years and his memories which is treasured by everyone in this family has made this family fractured because just like us, everyone is looking for the perfect plaster to hold our fractured bone in it for it to heal and just like that we have to try and get better not just for our sake but for Harry too because he wouldn't have liked it" Kate said softly, her words touched him as he nodded his head. Kate rested her head on his shoulder as his cheek rested on top of her head.

They both remained in that position for awhile before William said"Come on. Let's get some sleep, we have some important stuff lined up fro tomorrow no, today" he corrected himself as he saw the time on his mobile screen which was past midnight.

The couple layed down in a comfortable position and in a matter of few minutes sleep took over them.

Perhaps, something good will happen soon in their lives soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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