Chapter 7 . . . The Great Dragon Master 

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Our group approached the cluster of tabular icebergs. The air crackled with tension as we landed, preparing to execute our daring plan. With a swift motion, Fetia dropped Eret onto the snowy ground. Before he could escape, she pinned him down, nestling on top of him like a protective hen.

"Agghh! Okay! I got you here, now get this thing off me!" Eret exclaimed, struggling beneath Fetia's weight his voice laced with annoyance.

I couldn't help but giggle at his futile attempts, However, Astrid stepped forward, shaking her head. "Never take a toy from a dragon. Don't you know anything?"
Fetia continued to snuggle on top of Eret, earning groans and grumbles from him as he remained trapped.

Astrid led the way as the rest of us followed, heading towards a rising bridge. Once we crossed over, a breathtaking sight greeted us—a massive flotilla of ships, moored together like a floating camp amidst the deep waters formed by colliding icebergs.

"What's down there?" Astrid asked, i followed to where Astrid's finger pointed. Thick chains extended deep into the water, and we heard the muffled sounds of bubbles bursting on the surface. The unseen creature beneath rocked the ships, creating an unsettling atmosphere. Fishlegs rifled through his notes, searching for answers.

"Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, dwelling in cold depths... I'm thinking a class five or maybe even a six leviathan," Fishlegs hypothesized.

As we continued to scan the camp, a sudden chorus of squawks pierced the air behind us. We whirled around to witness Stormfly and Fetia, their senses heightened and wings poised for flight. Darts were being blown in their direction, hitting three of our noble dragons. In an instant, they plummeted to the ground, unconscious and drugged.

"Meatlug! What's wrong, girl?" Fishlegs called out in alarm, rushing to his dragon's side. The rest of us followed suit, Eret quickly regaining his feet and unsheathing his blades. I mirrored his actions, but the soldiers surrounding us made it clear that we were sorely outnumbered. This was not the outcome we had envisioned.

"What do we do now?" Astrid's voice quivered with urgency as she whispered to me. I met her gaze, my confusion and panic mirroring her own.

"I don't know! I never thought it would come to this," I admitted, a tinge of helplessness creeping into my words.

Eret scoffed and began walking toward me, a smug grin playing on his lips. "You lot are absolutely ridiculous. Did you honestly believe you could waltz in here and simply demand the release of your friends? You were dreaming from the start, love."

His arrogance ignited a fierce fire within me. With a swift motion, I slapped his hand away from my face and pointed an accusing finger at his chest. "Oh, shut your ass! You knew exactly what would happen, you slimy snake."

Eret seemed momentarily taken aback, but his smirk quickly returned as he engaged in our verbal sparring. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Can you truly prove your accusations?" he taunted.

"Ugh, I should have let you fall," I retorted, my voice laced with frustration.

"Too late for that now, isn't it, babe?" Eret retorted, a nonchalant shrug directed at me.

My anger surged, and I took a step closer, ready to unleash my fury upon him. But before I could act, a commanding voice interrupted, "ENOUGH!"

I paused, my gaze shifting to one of the soldiers. "Save your quarrels for later. We have an appointment with Drago, whether he's in the mood to see you or not. ROUND THEM UP, LADS!"

As our dragons were forcibly taken away, we were roughly escorted towards their leader through the ship. In the distance, a tall and broad man caught our attention. He had a hulking figure, grizzled locs, and dragon skin draped over his body.

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