Chapter 9 . . . Sad Ending's New Beginnings

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The sun hung low in the sky, with clouds surrounding it creating a grey dull atmosphere, and light fog swept towards us on the beach, while Broken pieces of wood scattered across the pebble ground. A perfect setting for a depressing day, a day where some lost a friend, a chief, a husband, and a father. A day where we lost stoick the vast.

Grief enveloped us like a heavy shroud, our hearts burdened with the weight of our sorrow. The team that had once been united in triumph now sat scattered, each lost in their own thoughts of the one who was no longer with us. As Hiccup's mother, Valka, and Astrid, worked tirelessly to arrange Stoick's final journey, Hiccup himself remained rooted beside his father's lifeless form. Tears flowed unabated down his cheeks, tracing the path of his anguish with silent eloquence.

I felt hiccups pain, his tears, his loss. To lose someone is heartbreaking, it feels like a piece of you died. I want to take away this pain that he's feeling but how can I even do that when I can barely comfort my past ones.

After Valka and Astrid concluded their hushed conversation, they approached the grieving assembly. Valka's voice held a melancholic timbre as she addressed us all. "We shall honor him with a proper ceremony," she intoned softly, her voice heavy with sorrow. "Gather arrows and seek a small vessel, if one can be found. And Gobber..." She turned her gaze to the burly figure of Gobber, a man whose own heartache was etched across his features.

"Could you find the words to bid him farewell, as his dearest friend?" Gobber approached Valka, his hand resting gently on her shoulder, a warm sad smile placed upon his lips.

"Aye, lass," he replied, his voice laden with emotion. "For Stoick, I'll do anything"

We set out together all the materials that we needed to say farewell. We gently put stoick in a little boat, and placed a cover over his body. We all lined up to pay our respects to him before we set him off. First, it was a Hiccup and Valka, then Astrid, snotlout, the twins, fishlegs and then eret. And finally it was my turn. I stepped forward, my heart heavy with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. Kneeling beside the boat, I folded my hands and offered my whispered farewell.

" I... want to thank you. Thank you for taking me in and Thank you for your kindness" I spoke softly A bitter smile touched my lips.

" you know, it's silly really... I used to be a little jealous of you and hiccup. I always saw how you would worry for him, and how much you cared, just the love in general between a father and son made me envious. Back then I would've done anything to get that again..." My voice trailed off, choked by the rawness of my emotions. Tears fell freely, binding with the salt of the sea as I offered my heartfelt wishes.

"Ou te moomoo ia te oe se malaga saogalemu"
(I wish you a safe journey)

As I stepped back, Gobber stepped forward, his words a poignant tribute to a fallen friend. "May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of a lifetime's camaraderie. "May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the heights of Valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings."

With solemn resolve, Eret and Gobber pushed the small boat out to sea. Hiccup, ignited an arrowhead and loosed it into the air. The sky came alive with a dance of flames as our arrows followed suit, setting ablaze the vessel that carried our beloved chief. The crackling fire mirrored the storm of emotions that raged within us.

"I'm sorry, dad," Hiccup's voice quavered, his words a whisper carried away by the wind.

" I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not a peacekeeper I thought i was. I don't know..." With a heavy heart, Hiccup turned away from the pyre, his silhouette diminishing against the backdrop of the icy landscape.

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