Rain's words...

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Aqsa's POV

As my new seventeen-year-old self was beginning to act itself in me... I was walking out of school with my best friend, Inayah Safa. Today was the last day of our higher secondary school. We enjoyed it till its peak and being the seniors took complete advantage of it. The new teachers and juniors were gawking at us like we were crazy. But we didn't mind them and continued messing with the class. The staff was being angry at us but we paid no heed to them. We were so engrossed in eating cakes, singing, and writing with sketches on each other's uniforms or shawls. The crazy ones among my classmates were actually throwing water at everyone they find in front of them! Suddenly it started raining heavily in addition to our mess. We all went out to the playground and started dancing and jumping in the rain. How our time came to end, we were unaware. We had planned to stay back than the usual time we would go home by taking permission from our beloved principal. Unlike the usual times, this time boys of our batch were to go before us and they all came out of their building one by one and my classmates and friends were unaware. For some reason, I had gone into our building to check on something. And when I ascended the stairs of our building after minding my business. I saw Him ( my not-so-secret crush ) ascending the stairs of their building in synch with me. We were engrossed in each other's eyes. Came back to my senses when my other best friend: Aisha Sahdaz, shook me and grabbed my hand in hers to run behind our building to join the others in what they were doing; enjoying like there was no tomorrow!
The last I saw of him was he ended up chuckling on something his friends said. Then I'm sure he went to the bus with his friends acting weird! Because now during our trip back to our homes, I heard our driver telling our teacher that 'the boys went so crazy that they tore their shirts!'
I was thinking in my head 'Yeah, of course. They're boys! They would surely do something crazier than us but in any way we were not any less!'
In the end, while leaving.. everyone was so emotional. While wishing each other the best of their future...and to stay in touch. I was kind of worried that I would get sick from the rain, as I had to be fit in order to board my flight to 'Alaska Anchorage' which is located in the United States. The fun thing is that even my bestie has to board a flight just not to Alaska. To U.A.E, Al Ain. And we are going to go to Mangalore International Airport together on the same bus at 6:00 pm. So we were kinda excited but sad as well as we're parting ways and don't know when exactly will be our next meet. Just now I said:
'Fi Amanillah, Peeps. Will miss y'all. Keep me in your prayers and don't forget to disturb everyone through our group chats!'
'Sure, you too.' - They replied while giving me tight hugs.
'Oh, don't be too emotional now. I won't be able to get down then.' - I said and hopped off the bus looking at it for the last time with tears of happiness in my eyes. Just as I turned, my eyes met with his. He was standing in his balcony still in his uniform. I chuckled seeing him smile thinking as if he was waiting for me even in that state...😅 ( Too funny / whatever, I know. )
He went into his house just as I opened and entered my house's gate. When I was with my whole family, we didn't realize how time passed and it was just an hour left to go on the bus. And at such an end time we went shopping for some urgent items and items for the unpacked boxes. The greatest obstacle delaying us more was the ongoing rain which had decided to rain non-stop that night. Oh. God. I was getting scared if we would make it to the bus on time or not. Fortunately, Everything happened on time. We came from the market at the right time. The boxes were packed properly. And while going to the bus in our car. The rain paused a little for us to leave peacefully. But we couldn't meet our closest relatives who were very near to us because of the running time. And I knew it was a regret which would stay with me for my lifetime. But whatever happened is for the best. As Allah (S.W.T) had planned it that way but I didn't understand it at the time. We boarded at the exact time however we had to wait for 5-10 mins for the bus. When the bus had come to our stop and when we went in and sat peacefully settling our luggage in the bus's deck, I saw Inayah and her family hurrying to board the bus. To say I was on the verge of laughing while trying my best not to cry painfully, would be an understanding. Because I was leaving my beloved town and people behind to go somewhere else where they would not be there was a hard feeling for me to overcome that night. And trying to stop laughing because of Inayah and her family's carelessness. Like seriously! How can they be so late-coming?. It took us three hours to reach the Bajpe ( Mangalore ) airport (IXE). And there I bid bye to my bestie: Anayah. I couldn't stop crying as well as she. With great difficulty her brother made her stop and my sister told me to behave and we parted our ways unwillingly. Going through the procedures took us an hour and half until we came to the last terminal where we would board the plane after dealing with our baggage and emigration, security and all the other aiport procedural things. We sat in the terminal lounge for a good 15-20 minutes where we ate snacks, drank coffee and got freshened up in the washroom doing our necessities and prayed Qasr ( The shortened prayer muslims pray while travelling ). An announcement took our attention: "Passengers boarding the flight going to Alaska from Mangalore can board their flight PQR-56230; Mangalore to Anchorage now"
I was told by my parents to go line up in the line made by passengers boarding the fight where the attendant was checking our passport and ticket with my younger brother. As I went and stood there I felt someone looking at me from the other line. When I turned to look who it was, I was shocked to find Saqib! ( My crush ) looking at me and when I did the same, he smiled. I felt like my cheeks changed in colour so I turned away and gave a shy smile which of course he couldn't see! We boarded the plane safely. And to my surprise I got to know my crush's seat was behind me when I stood up to go to the washroom after informing my sister. What a lovely coincidence! He was sleeping with a headset on his head, He was looking so cute, Aww, I just felt like to pull his cheeks and kiss them. Oh. Astaghfirullah! I shuddered the thought away while saying in my head 'I should not think like that now that we are so near. Shaytan is our greatest enemy and he leaves no chance to invite one to indulge in evil.' After half-an-hour I don't know when I drifted off to sleep while rummaging for some thing good to do in the built-in tv provided by the airplane which was infront of my seat. My sister being the one who had plane phobia was engrossed in listening to the Qur'an ( Holy book of Muslims ) by putting in her headphones as of course she was scared. As I was just a little scared compared to her during the take-off and just at the time reciting all the Duas (prayers) and some part of the Quran. Then relaxed a bit and decided to rely on my Rabb after that. After all He was making the plane fly in His sky with His might and glory. The flight was to take 16 hours and 18 minutes to reach the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC). I didn't actually know what was I going to do for this long! When I woke up after four hours I found the air hostess serving meals to the passengers around me. When she came near me I thought she was giving me so I was ready to receive my tray while I felt like she ignored me and moved ahead towards Saqib! Got to know that he called her to mention something his younger sister sitting beside him wanted, when I sat back and tried to hear their conversation, my attempts failed. She served him and his sister and from the other side my sister and younger brother also somehow got served with their trays full and I was trying my best not to act desperate. I guess someone behind me noticed my restlessness and giggled looking at me through the side. Then the air hostess at last came to me, smiled and served me with the tray! I ate till my stomach felt satisfied. After an half-an-hour an air host made his appearance serving drinks, I couldn't help but admire his handsomeness! An hour passed and I was diving deep in my thoughts, until I heard someone cough and turned my head to find most of everyone sleeping except few including the one behind me *smiles inside* who just sat in his seat probably after coming from the lavatory. He coughed again, this time I turned back completely to find him leaning near to my seat. I jerked back suddenly embarrassed with myself for I don't know what?! He started;
'Hey' -I replied after a moment of pause after contemplating whether to reply or not.
'Aqsa, right?!'
'Yeah.. you remember my name! Woah.'
'Of course. I remember we used to play together in our childhood.'
'Oh. You do?! Great!'- I said 'sarcastically'
And he gave a look which said 'Is it a big deal?!'
I gave a bored smile and rolled my eyes.
He chuckled and said;
'Pretty bored, huh?!'
'Yeah' -I said looking elsewhere but at him.
He smiled (which I saw through my peripheral vision) and said;
'See you at Anchorage then!'
I just glanced and replied ;
'See you. Allah Hafiz!' [Allah Hafiz; (in urdu is to say 'good bye') literall meaning is to say 'May you be in Allah's protection']
After that we all dozed off to sleep in deep uncomfortable slumber! Uncomfortable as we're sleeping in slightly tilted/ sitting position. The next I woke up was after 7 hours and just half-an-hour after snacks were served followed by drinks. This time I opted for a cocktail as last time I took coffee. And so did the one behind me, I couldn't help but think about his and my compatibility... and then came back to the world thinking I don't even know him properly!
Fours hours passed by while I was busy admiring the sky and clouds by which we were surrounded. The scene beside me was so mesmerizing, we were amidst the clouds and as it was early morning the sky was a cute blue in color. I so wished to rip open the window and go out and feel the the clouds! Oh pity on my wishes.
The pic above 🔝 has been tried to describe here! { It's Real }
Soon the plane was landing on high speed and I felt as if I'm gonna fly away! Deep inside I felt the fear what if the plane's tyres wouldn't come out at the right time? The plane landed vigorously on the land subsiding my fears. It took us an hour to go through the arrival's procedures. Half an hour solely for the security! You know the not-so-easy American security checks! *rolls eyes* Before going out of the Ted Steven airport while we were waiting for our cab. I saw Saqib walking away with his family, glanced at me and waved a goodbye. I waved back with a short smile grazing my lips. This led me to think if this is the last time I'm seeing him and hence my eyes blurred. Until we reached our city, Anchorage. I remember the last time I left it. Seems like it has changed a lot since then! 'It'll be fun to explore around before starting with the regular life' -I found myself telling my family this and they all agreed unable to deny the fact. Just as we took our luggage inside our building, I kept my bags unopened to unpack it tomorrow as I felt too tired to do anything now. After changing, I went in my favourite place, my room's balcony and breathed the familiar feeling which was lost for a long time. As I looked around to observe the changes, I saw someone looking at me from the opposite building in the compound. Upon looking properly, I recognized; it was him, Saqib! I showed some sign of shock at first then smiled. He too smiled back after looking perplexed for few minutes. Just as I thought we were going to be seperated. Fate decides to bring us in the same plate! I thought and laughed to myself when i settled myself on bed preparing to let-go the jet lag by sleeping again! Ha ha ha... Such a sleepy head! I know I am.. I slept letting my gaze wander outside my window. Knowing somewhere near he is also here and felt glad about this fact.

Idk if it was in my dream or something like reality because I felt like it was raining and I sensed it saying to me 'Life wants you to be with him

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Idk if it was in my dream or something like reality because I felt like it was raining and I sensed it saying to me 'Life wants you to be with him. That's why where you go you find him following'. And when I woke up at midnight I found it raining for real!

~Until next time...

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