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Saqib's POV

Zuhayb, my childhood buddy hung up the call as he was busy at the airport. I called him to tell him about my state...that I'm surprisingly in love with my ex-batchmate. My crush: Aqsa. I feel like I won't be able to live without her now. If I don't see her for a few days, I'll go mad. It feels so weird that I feel sick thinking about it. I do pray to Allah asking to make her mine. I wanted to share this feeling with someone now as this feeling was extremely new to me as I haven't experienced 'love' in my life. What I do is just 'like' girls! Play around for some time and that's it, I'm done with a girl! I'm the guy who's never serious with girls. What I feel every time is very light and weak. My friends say that I wouldn't feel anything when I'm with girls! Thus, as a result, go around calling me names like 'Heartless', 'Playboy', 'Traitor', and some more shits of which I don't know their meaning. But I assure them it's not like that, it's just that sometimes when my mood goes off. I end up handling things like a maniac and puts myself in bizarre situations. And for your information, to cease some worries that might have caused you after knowing all this, I'm still a virgin, Alhamdulillah! Maybe I just couldn't figure out my type. Most likely whatever I'm feeling now is close to 'love'. This feeling is very strong and I'm not able to digest it. I want a solution. I feel restless after seeing her. Just an hour ago on the flight, when I deliberately coughed to grasp her attention and she turned back, we were quite near as I had already leaned in my seat to initiate a conversation with her. I was so anxious when she came near after turning, Thank God she realized we are too close and went back. Otherwise, god knows what would I have done. Because I can't control myself in her presence. I feel myself losing consciousness. That's why I get scared what if I do something Haram ( Unacceptable in Islam ) and regret it later? Because I try not to cross the haram line. So I pray every day to my lord to keep me away from the shaytan ( Devil )'s tricks and temptations. And now after seeing her from my balcony I was quite shocked to find her looking up at the sky, in particular, she was observing her surroundings outside the window. She saw me and showed signs of shock and gave a soft gasp. And then smiled. I gave a wide smile in return and went back in to thank Almighty for his 'Qadr' ( The divine decree; Also referred to as fate by Romans) Ohh now she becomes my neighbor! New relations! Nice. I exclaimed jumping on my bed and laying on it trying to go deep into my fluffy blanket feeling myself blush as to what might happen in the near future as we live quite close! I closed my eyes feeling dreamy! And then what I see surprises me beyond words. Out of nowhere, I see Aqsa sitting at the edge of my bed in an elegant long white gown. I extend my hand towards her and tap on a place nearer to me on the bed. She eyes it, smiles, and takes it while coming nearer. I pull her closer to me by placing my other hand on her shoulder. I feel her taking heavy breaths as I felt myself breathing heavily. She put her other hand on my chest for support and looked at it. I took my hand from her shoulder and lifted her veil. She looked up into my eyes so deep that I thought she would read me from start to end. and I gazed with such an intensity that I didn't know was in me. Soon my orbs wanted to look at her face closely and so I granted it, its wish, and went closer. My gaze wandered to her lofty, broad, and noble-looking forehead. I attempted to kiss her forehead. I felt like my hand was being held strongly, and she closed her eyes. while I sighed contently and closed my eyes to do what I was going to...But, I didn't happen to move. Abstractedly, I sat straight up on the bed only to find it empty and the same goes with the room. I felt so lonely, suddenly. I felt myself going thirsty for companionship. Hers. I need her companionship. I want to talk to her again. Anyhow the times I spoke to her face to face were very few and short. I wanted to speak long conversations with her. Ohh. I want to be engrossed with her so badly. I don't know how I turned crazy. I feel crazier after knowing that I dreamt of her on my bed! Lol. That's never going to happen. I thought and smacked myself. Why am I doing this to myself?! And my phone went off. Peep. Peep. Peep. Peep.Peep.
Yeah, that's my ringtone because I love horns as it irritates most people and I like to irritate everyone! Don't blame me I was always the spoilt one in my family being the only son among three daughters.
It read 'Zuhayb Anis' and I picked it up quickly swiping it to the right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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