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It was the weekend. You decided to stay home and relax, usually you would be at Amber's but you didn't feel like it. Besides you haven't spent time with your parents in a while, other than sitting with them at the dinner table. Your parents didn't particularly dislike Amber but they definitely weren't fond of her, they believed she took up to much of your time. That you no longer have friends or go out because of her. But you denied it, even though it was true. You didn't have any friends, Amber made you cut them all off. She took time away from things you enjoyed to do. So you no longer did them.

But you love Amber, you didn't mind as long as you had her. The only people you ever really saw was when Amber would bring you along to hangout with her friends. Chad was a jock, not bad looking either, Liv was his girlfriend. She was funny at times, funnier seeing her and Mindy argue. Mindy was funny aswell and was also good looking like her twin, Chad. Wes was a mommas boy, he was cute and he seemed to be fond of you. Tara was nice, she was welcoming to you when you had first hanged out with them. You could call her a friend I guess?

You sat on your living room couch with your parents, you guys were watching a movie. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and you knew who it was from already. Amber.

"are u coming over?"

You bite your lower lip, you know she hates being apart from you. She gets mad and gives you silent treatment whenever you cancel your plans with her, hang out with other people, stay home instead.

"no im sorry im watching a movie with my parents :("

You hesitated to send the text. You wanted to give in and go to her house, touch her, hold her, kiss her. You glanced at your parents who were watching the movie. You sent the text anyways. She opened it immediately. 1 minute, 3 minutes, 8 minutes.

She left you on read. She's mad. You sigh and put your phone down, after the movie you went to bed. It was 12:30am. You yawned and checked your phone before actually dozing off. No texts from Amber. You hate when she does this, ices you out when she doesn't get her way. You wouldn't say anything about it though. A few hours later you wake up to the feeling of your bed sinking in, as if someone layed down on the bed. You quickly sit up and can makeout Amber's face in the dark.

"Amber what are you doing here?" You say breathlessly as she had scared you quite a bit.

"I wanted to be with you..." Amber pouted and grabbed your hand. You sigh and bite your lower lip.

"So you snuck into my room?"

"Yes." Amber says with no emotion, she doesn't care. As long as she's with you.

"Amber I could've came over tomorrow..." You sigh once again and turn on your lamp, it doesn't make your room super bright. Your room is dimly lit and you can see Amber's face more, she looks tired.

"How long have you been up?" You ask rubbing your thumb ontop of Amber's cold hand.

"All night, it's only three though Y/n so not for long."

"How about you go home and get some sleep." You yawn as you look at Amber. Her face goes blank, you made her mad.

"I can't sleep when I'm not with you." Amber says in a cold tone. You bite the inside of your cheek.

"My parents already don't like you Amber...how do you think their gonna feel when they find out you snuck in..."

Amber grabs your hips and tugs you to her. "I don't care if they like me or not. I want you with me. All the time." Amber leans down and leaves soft kisses on your neck, her nails slightly digging into your hips.

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