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You wake up to Amber's arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Legs tangled with yours, you remove yourself from her grasp and the second you do that she sits up. "Where are you going?" Her hairs messy and her voice is low and raspy but you can hear the panic in it.

"The bathroom?" You get up walk to the bathroom, you brush your teeth. Once you walk out you see Amber leaning against the wall like she was waiting for you. She was already dressed, you were still naked from the previous night.

"Are you going somewhere?" You ask confused picking up your clothes from yesterday off the floor.

"Mindy wants us at her house for "mourning" remember?" Amber looks frustrated. Frustrated to mourn your bestfriend, bit weird but you won't question her about it. It's not your place too.

"Right..." You give a quick smile and pick your clothes from yesterday off the floor and put them in a pile picking out a new outfit from your closet.

Everyone's passing around a blunt and playing video games on the TV. Mindys mom isn't here, busy comforting Tara's mom. "Guys im so hungry" Mindy says her eyes bloodshot red as she passed the blunt to Liv.

"I was just about to say that." Chad adds the controller in his hand, he's playing against Wes. Wes decided to smoke with everybody, he doesn't usually. He's a very good kid.

"Amber you should go get us food." You say leaning your head back against Amber's shoulder as you sit on her lap, she gives a quick kiss to your lips.

"What do you want baby?" She rubs her hands up and down your thighs, eyes red and she smells like a mixture of her perfume and weed.

"I don't know...Mindy what do we want."

"McDonald's." Mindys mouth waters and Liv nods coughing aggressively after taking another hit. "Ooooo let me go with you Amber!"

"Me too." Liv says excitedly and coughs again.

"I'll go too." Chad tosses the controller against the couch sighing. Everybody except you and Wes.

"Are you going?" Amber asks you moving her hands more into your inner thighs not a care in the world that people can see.

"Don't feel like it, get me a sprite though, large." You get off Amber's lap and she stands up giving you a kiss on your cheek and sliding her hand to your ass to grab it.

Liv looks in awe and then looks at Chad who sends her a "absolutely not." Liv groans gets up and walks oustide with Chad and Mindy to Amber's car.

Wes smiles at you sweetly, Amber glares at him, looks at you and then leaves. Leaving just you and Wes.

"soooo..." Wes says trying to ease up the awkward tension. You grab the rolling papers, weed, and just start rolling not in the mood for talking.

"I didn't really think you'd be into girls."

You shoot him a weird look. "Sorry not to be offensive or anything im just saying...You look like you'd be into like jocks...like Chad for example."

"He's cute but no. I like my girlfriend." You give him a quick smile hoping he'd just shut up as he's making this interaction more awkward.

"Am I cute?" Wes asks, this little boy needs to leave weed alone. You nod slowly not looking up at him, you grab Mindys pipe from the table. It's full so you light it holding your finger over the hole, inhaling, and then exhaling the smoke going to Wes as he watches you, fixated.

"You good?" You ask him giving him a weird look.

"Yeah...um I'm fine." He looks away and look towards the TV, the game is on pause. It's silent, you just want Amber back.

"If I asked you something you wouldn't really get mad, right?" Wes says, you don't even know him like that.

"I probably won't care so ask me. Im all ears." You look at him curiously setting down the pipe and lighter next to you.

"You think you'd ever get with me if you weren't with Amber?" Wes plays with his watch, a habit he does when he's nervous.

"Um...I don't know, I don't think about that since I have a girlfriend, obviously." You awkwardly laugh looking down at your lap.

"Well...think about it now, Amber's not here and I won't tell her your answer." Wes scoots closer to you till he's practically next to you.

"I don't wanna think about that? That's weird to do." Yours and his shoulders are touching so you lean away.

"Cmon, please?"

Before you answer everyone walks in, Amber's eyes dart to you and Wes. Wes leaning into you giving you no space, and you leaning away like you don't want his company. Wes scoots away from you and back to the other side of the couch to where he and Chad were sitting previously.

Amber hands you the sprite, you give her a quiet thank you and she knows something is up. Doesn't wanna bother you about it right now though, she'll ask you once you guys leave.

Chad also noticed how close Wes was sitting by you previously and he sends a smirk to Wes. "Tryna get at Amber's girl?" He says snickering, Wes goes red like a beet.

"W-what No..."

Amber raises her eyebrows pulling you onto her lap as you sip on your sprite. "What were you talking to her about then?" Amber asks her hands on your hips.

"Um...how to use the pipe." Wes' voice cracks, and he's still red like a tomato. You scoff and Wes looks away, Mindy and Liv are silent eating their Big macs. Eyes glancing from Wes to Amber, Amber glares at Wes and Chad taps his hands on his knees awkwardly.

"Look at the time...Mom will be back soon." Chad says to Mindy, she glances at the clock on the living room wall above the TV.

"I can't read that clock." Mindy checks her phone and nods getting what Chad's doing. Kicking everybody out because now things are awkward.

"The funerals tomorrow we'll see you guys there?" Mindy asks looking at everybody. Liv is still high out of her mind staring off into space as she eats her big mac. Wes nods and leaves quickly taking one last glance at you, you get off Amber's lap and she gets up.

"Cya tomorrow." Amber leads you out of the house by your waist, you're still drinking your sprite. You get in Amber's car and put your cup in the cup holder, Amber looks like she's in a bad mood now.

"So what did Wes talk to you about?" Amber pulls out of Mindys driveway and by the direction she's going you can tell she's most likely going back to her house.

"Don't even remember half of it." You shrug looking out the window.

"Tell me the half you remember then." Amber's voice is sharp and she's expecting a answer.

"Something about how I look like I'd be into guys like Chad, and then he asked if I thought he was cute and if I said yes he wouldn't tell you. It was hella weird."

Amber doesn't take her eyes off the road but her grip on the steering wheel tightens, her knuckles are white and the vanes in her hand are more visible. You glance at her seeing how mad she looks.

"I told him that I'm not gonna answer that because I love you." That was your poor attempt to calm Amber down.

"Why wouldn't you answer that? You think he's cute? Would you fuck him?" You roll her eyes at her questions.

"Amber no, I only love you." You put your hand ontop of her thigh and you can feel her tense up less.

"I've never liked Wes." Amber pulls into her driveway and gets out, you get out too following her to the front door.

"Amber he's not that bad, I think he was only asking that because he was high he's never like that sober."

Amber stays silent unlocking the door and pulling you inside, leading you to her bedroom. You already know what's gonna happen.

"Take your clothes off Y/n."

u guys get no smut this time lolllllll 😊❤️

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