The Answers (sort of)

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Trinity pov bc she's cool

We race down to the garages and I grab my keys from my platform. Iqra slides into the passenger seat and Adrina lugs her computer bag in with her to the backseat.

"Umm guys?"

"Yeah?" I ask, turning my head to the back.

"Can we get McDonalds?"

Two large fries, an Oreo McFlurry, a chocolate milkshake, an iced mocha, and a 10 pc chicken nugget later, we pull up in front of Ortega, McNamara, and Jones. Well, not actually in front. I park the car in the parking garage first.

Once inside, we ride the lift up to the fifth floor, wind through the sleek cubicles until we come to the rather large door of a rather large office. Alisa Ortega reads the name plate. I raise my hand to knock.

Alisa is sitting at her desk, dressed in a black power suit and barely looks up from her desk as we enter.

"Trinity. You brought friends."

Alisa, growing up, had been almost like a sister to me. I loved her and we were still good friends. But I was angry. Why hadn't anyone told me?

"If you think I'm going to dissect the biggest shock of my life alone, you're sorely mistaken."

Just a flash of pain crossed her face. "Well, I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

I snickered. "No sh!t."

"I would like to start by saying that there was no legal reason to inform you. Since your grandfather transferred the funds before his passing it was no longer one of his assets and therefore not required to be in his will."

Okay, I can handle this. I need to take it one step at a time.

Climb so you can fly.

I will. Don't worry granddad. I'm going to soar.

"Who else knows about this?" My first step is to eliminate the media attention. From the day I was born that was the main concern. 'Keep out of the public eye' 'Don't cause any scandals' 'you're a girl, they'll use that'. I had to be protected and perfect. Just an object. A glass ballerina. Granddad gave me a knife.

"Myself, the partners at Ortega, McNamara, and Jones, as well as your grandfather's banker in Switzerland."

So not a lot of people. Let's keep it that way. "Does Avery know?"

"Ms.Grambs has no knowledge as of present time about this."

"When can I travel to Switzerland? I would like to divert these assets immediately into other accounts and stocks." At the convenience of the firm of course - can't have the negative publicity.

Alisa can see what I'm trying to say. "I can arrange to have the funds diversified as soon as you wish."

"I don't think you understand," Adrina pipes up, as her cinnamon roll personality fades away. "She has just gotten what may as well be the shock of her life. The least you could do is provide some sort of security, some reassurance."

Alisa raises an eyebrow. "So much is on the line here - for everyone. One wrong move could set everything off."

Adrina nodded, "Trinity won't need to use Mr. Hawthorne's Swiss chalet. She owns her own property there and the paparazzi aren't likely to be watching it."

"I can wear a wig. And contacts." I chip in, wanting to contribute something.

"I'm masterful at contour." Iqra mentioned.

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