No friend of mine

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You ain't no friend of mine
So don't think that I'm blind
When you say the things you say
The silly games you play
- No Friend of Mine, Club Nouveau

A.N.: user447829774  LoveBookwormGirl @fuckingfandomb1tch jameson4life The Laughlin hate club stands strong

I shake my head. Emily is dead. It's not Em. Anyways, I have to pick up Adrina and Iqra so I push the thought of stupid Emily out of my mind and climb into my limo with a red rhinestone purse that has a beaded black snake curling around it.

Our first stop is the Muhammad household. The house is gorgeous with a towering entrance.

Iqra slides out, wearing a modest and stunning midnight blue gown. "Thanks for giving me a ride. My parents are still on me about the Ted Talk thing."

"Well, it's actually to my benefit," I smile. "It looks cooler walking in as a group."

Iqra laughs as we round an enormous fountain shaped like a traditional temple in front of Adrinas mansion.

"Hey guys!" She bounds into my limo, wearing a beautiful pale pink gown, a section of floral fabric peeking out of the artfully placed silk. She pushes her glasses up her nose. "Ready to witness a dangerous amount of underage drinking?"

Iqra wrinkles her nose in disgust. "Pray tell, how is that allowed? It's a school function. I don't love rules either but..." she lets out a shudder.

Before we know it, the god forsaken roar of paparazzi fills our ears and the art museum comes into view. I take a deep breath and smooth my dress. My limo pulls up to the kerb and I step out, moving out of the way for Iqra and Adrina to make their way out. Adrina finds my left and Iqra my right as we begin to ascend the stairs.

"Trinity, what is going on in Hawthorne House?"

"Ms. Muhammad, how is your brother's mission of empowering the world going?"

"Adrina, are Ching corporations benefiting from the recent demand in AI?"

Reporters crowd us.

Practised smiles fill our faces until we glide into the museum.

"Hey isn't that - " Adrinas' voice catches onto my ears and I look up.

Oh my god.

It's not Emily. It's Avery. Thea dressed her up like a damn doll.


I turn my head around, whip fast to see a champagne glass on the ground. At the feet of my brother.
He says a word to Avery.


That stupid girl is still haunting our wounded family.
I see Avery rush to the bathroom.

"Come on, we have to follow her." My small entourage follows briskly, making it into the bathroom just in time to hear Avery spit out words "The Hawthornes didn't kill Emily. Rebecca said that it was her heart."

"How sure are you that the Hawthorne family isn't trying to kill you?" Thea smiles with relish.

"There is something fundamentally wrong with you," Avery returns. Got that right.

"I told you the day we met that the Hawthorne family was a twisted, broken mess." She pauses. "I never said that I wasn't one, too."

She shoots me a smirk as she swings open the door.
"I guess you see now," I step out of the shadows. "We aren't Joneses or Smiths-we're Hawthornes."

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