Chapter 15: School Drama

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Lily woke up with Teddy around 6 a.m. and started making breakfast and lunch for the boys. It was Monday, which meant the boys had school.

Sam walked into the kitchen to see another army sized buffet of food and smiled. "Good morning, love. You know you don't have to do this, right?" He kissed her temple.

"What are you talking about, Sam? I like doing this. I am taking care of my family the best way I can. Teddy is in the living room. Could you bring him in while I go round up the pack?" She asked.

"Of course, love."

Sam walked over to Teddy, who was lying on his stomach. "Good morning, my little man. How about you, Mommy, and I go into town to shop and have lunch today."

Teddy looked up at him and smiled. All of a sudden, his blue eyes and hair turned the same color as Sam's.

Sam jumped slightly. "Please be a wizard thing. Please be a wizard thing." He ranted.

"Lily! Can you come down here?" Sam was trying not to panic.

"Sam is everything alri....., oh. Teddy baby, you are quite something special." Lily smiled

"What is going on? Don't get me wrong, I love that he looks like me, but how did it happen?" Sam was calming down.

"It seems Teddy is a Metamorphmagus. Meaning he can change his appearance to whatever he wants. It is rare, but Dora, his mother, was one as well." Lily explained.

"Ok....Teddy, I love you very much, but the people we are gonna be around today don't understand this. So when we are out with other people, you don't know. You can only look 1 way, ok? No changing it as you go." Sam said. "I'm trying to explain this to a 6 month old. He won't understand."

"Actually, wizarding children understand at 2 months. So Teddy understands. Right baby?" Lily tickled his belly.

Just as Teddy started laughing, the pack came running downstairs. "Good morning, my boys!" Lily chuckled.

"Morning! Morning Ma! Wow, food!" The all were yelling at once.

Sam walked over to the table and put Teddy in his highchair. "Eat up, guys, you got 20 mins till we gotta head out to get you to school."

"Ahhh, do we really have to go?" Paul complained

"You bet your ass you do! Sam and I have to switch your contact forms at school anyways Paul." Lily said.

"I still can't believe I am a Uley now." He said slightly, smirking.

"I know I said that you are a Uley now, but I never did ask. Do you want us to change your last name, or do you wanna keep Lahote. It won't bother us if you do." Lily asked.

"No! I'm a Uley. A proud one. I want it changed. I want nothing from that man." Paul didn't even think about it.

"Ok. While we are out today, we will get paper from the courthouse." Sam said.

"The courthouse, huh? Are you gonna get a marriage certificate while you're there?" Paul teased.

Sam was expecting Lily to be repulsed by the idea but instead, she laughed.

"Hahaha, maybe we will. It would make sense to pick up all papers at once."

Paul started choking on his food. "What? You just met. You would marry him now?"

"Sweetheart, we have adopted 2 children together. If I didn't love him like that, I wouldn't be doing any of this." She waves her hand around the room.

Sam finally snaps out of his shock. "Let's load up. Time for school."

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