Chapter 19: I don't care

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As the guests left, Lily was inside conjuring up another baby room.

After about 15 mins, she came out. "All set. Let's get out babies to bed. That means you too, Paul. You have school in the morning." Lily said.

"Fine. But Ma, I'm not a baby. Good night. I love you all!" He ran upstairs.

Lily and Sam put Teddy down first. "Mommy and Daddy love you, my wolf." Sam said and gave him a kiss.

Lily followed suit. "That we do, my wolf."

They turned on his nightlight and shut the door.

"2 down, 1 to go." Lily laughed.

Sabrina was very easy to put down. She was not even 24 hrs old, so she slept a lot anyway.

When Sam and Lily got in their room, Lily started to undress while keeping her eyes on Sam.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Sam was gonna explode. Cole was scratching to come put, but he would have to wait.

"Sam, has no one ever told you what happens on the wedding night? That's OK. I will just show you." Lily was already naked she walked over to Sam and started to undress him while kissing him.

Sam, however, took charge and flipped her over onto her back. "I know what happens, you minx. I just hope you are ready." He smiles.
The next morning, Sam had woken up to once again an empty bed. He assumed the babies and Lily were in the kitchen already and got up to join them.

"Good morning, my handsome husband. Sleep well?" She asked

"More than well, my beautiful wife. What can I do to help?" He kissed her.

"Do you want bottle duty or breakfast duty?"

"Bottle. Come to Daddy, Sabrina. Let's get you all fed." Sam said.

"Sam, I wanted to ask you something." Lily said.

"What is it, honey?

"I know you love your truck, but are you ok if I get a van? I can charm it to fit the boys and the kids." Lily said.

"That's a great idea, honey. We can go look later today." Sam said.

Lily smiled and went over to the stairs and yelled, "FOOD!"

"Here comes the heard." Sam chuckles.

"You know the drill, boys. Eat up and don't for get your lunches on the way out." Lily said.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Sam and Lily looked at each other. Who could that be.

Sam got up to get the door.

"Lynn? What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"I'm here for my boy. I don't care what Richard did. I didn't sign anything. He's coming home." She said.

Lily walks to the door. "Can I help you?" She asked

"I'm Paul's mother. He is coming home." She said

"I believe you are mistaken. I'm Paul's mother and he is home." Lily stood tall.

"Listen Bitch I'm his mother. He loves me. Not you. Paul! Let's go!" She yelled

When she yelled she became off balanced. She was under the influence, but of what. Lily looked down and saw track marks on her arms.

Paul came to the door confused. "What are you doing her?" He asked

"I came to bring you home. Your father did something illegal. You are mine!" She started yelling.

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