11.3 : One slip up makes a big change

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"Shut the fuck up!!" Quinn screamed as she ran towards Sam. Tara hit Quinn with a brick as she fell back.

Kirby then shot detective Bailey. I ducked and so did Ethan. Quinn was ground bleeding out of her mouth as some of her teeth were knocked out.

"Sam c'mon!" Tara yelled as they rushed to the ladder.

Ethan tackled Kirby as she fell back. "Recognize this?" He asked her as he held a knife.

"Fuck you!" She spat.

Meanwhile I pulled Tara down and stabbed her stomach. "Fucking bitches talk to much right." I said smiling as I held her shoulder stabbing her. She started coughing up blood a bit. I was then hit over the head and fell back. I saw Tara climbing up the ladder in pain as I saw Sam stabbing Ethan.

Tara then yelled for Sam. Sam stopped and went up to Tara. I held my head on pain.

"Awh fuck." I then went over to whatever his name is. Fucking Bailey. I then grabbed his gun. "I'mma need this." I said as I grabbed it. I saw Tara trying to climb around a rail and I shot at it. She slipped and started to fall. Sam quickly grabbed her hand.

Bailey started laughing as he heard what happened. Soon afrer her quickly disappeared.

"Get her man." I told Ethan and he walked towards her.

Ethan then swung at her feet, but Tara brought her feet up before he could. "Fuck you!" She yelled at him.

"Fuck you!" He yelled back.

Quinn then appeared at the other side of Sam.

"You guys are so fucked now!"  Ethan yelled.

Quinn started to slide her knife across the rail edging towards Sam.

"Sam? Let me go." Tara told her.
"No!" Sam refused. Tara started slipping more.

"Yeah! Let her go, Sam, come on!" Ethan yelled and started swinging at her feet. And yelling "fuck" each time her missed.

"Trust me."
"You have to let me go." Tara told her.

I saw Sam's hand go to her knife. I aimed at Tara's head.

"Let go of the knife or I'll shoot your god damn sister!" I yelled. Sam dropped it on the floor as she let go of Tara. Sam made sure the knife would fall and hope Tara would catch it. When Tara fell she didn't catch it quick enough. Ethan than stabbed her. "Gotcha!" He yelled.

I then looked up and saw Quinn and Sam at the top. Sam was aiming Kirby's gun at Quinn's head.

I then looked back and saw Ethan getting stabbed through the mouth. "Ethan!." Blood poured out of his mouth as Tara turned the knife. She then pulled it out of his mouth as he fell back. Tears threaten to fall.

"That was fuckin brutal." I said. Tara then turned to me. I then heard a gun shot as I saw a bullet hole in Quinn's head. "Quinn!" Tears started to form more as I held them down more.

I backed up as I saw Tara rushing to me. I quickly blocked her as she tried to stab me. My hands held her arms that held the knife.

I then saw Bailey fall knocked out. That one mistake caused Tara to stab me in the chest. "Fuck you." I spat out at her. She then twisted the knife. And I fell back, dead. Or almost dead. I was surely dying though. As I fell back, I hit the floor, shutting my eyes.

The end

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