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" the dog, the cats, and the goddess "

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" the dog, the cats, and the goddess "

"Oh my."

[Y/N] had gone to town for some shopping of her favorite bread: conchas. It was 20 minutes. For 20 minutes, she had left Puss and Perrito to fend for themselves. Nothing could have gone wrong, right...?

"Puss? Perrito???" She searched the entire home, not entirely anxious of their disappearance but rather... shocked?

   She swooped up and down the stairs and the halls, searched the sewer systems, even ripped apart the floor from the base of the house. She mumbled to herself incomprehensible nonsense before bursting out the front door (which had been knocked down prior to her arrival) and checked the gardens.

   Puss's "grave" had been dug up, empty and bodiless. She groaned in frustration out loud. "Estupido maldito gato, ugh!"

   Her figure turned somewhat into pixie dust as she rushed through the wind, eager to find the cat and the dog. She searched the ground high in the sky for miles and miles, until she saw a familiar musty yellow feather.

   "Found you." She shifted into her hawk form, dark as the night and invisible to mortals around her unless chosen by her otherwise. The only mortals that could see her were the ginger kitty, the puppy and... who is this tuxedo cat?

"PUSS." Her voice echoed through the streets, though only the three animals could hear her. They looked up to the sound only to nearly be swept by the gust of wind sent by her landing in the wagon. "Where on Earth have you been?!"

"Uhh..." He was cut off by an enflamed arrow shot just above his head. It was pointless to ask him questions, so her attention was diverted to the black cat.

"And who is this, another-" Kitty looked her in the eye with astonishment at her beauty. In her hawk form, her feathers were quite dark though carried tints of cool colors and beautiful patterns stitched across her wings. There was beauty in this beast.

"Oh, Softpaws!! Long time no see." She shifted back into her regular form, a smile across her face, unphased as she shot an arrow back at one of the guards chasing them.

"Vida!!" Kitty's giddiness at her best friend was cut off short by Puss tugging on the map. Wait, the map?

"Give me the map," Puss begged. "Trust me!"

"Trust you?" Kitty countered. "Like I did in Santa Coloma?"

[Y/N] was there. It gave her a newborn, filthy, ugly hatred toward Puss. She hid it well. Her attention had been on Kitty that day, so all she knew was that Puss never showed up and left her at the altar.

"Really? Santa Coloma?" Puss was done with her and wanted to avoid that subject, obviously. Vida glared at him knowingly.

"Sí, Santa Coloma." She stood Kitty's guard as she fought off more guards, protecting the both of them behind her. Their yapping about taking hold of the map was genuinely getting annoying.

An arrow was shot at her, but she deflected it with snake scales appearing on her skin. It was an ugly ability she was grateful for in these scenarios. She growled at the childish bickering behind her.





They yowled and hissed, up until the goddess had enough.

"ENOUGH." She twisted her neck to face them a little too quickly, but thought nothing of it. She snarled, snatched the map from them and kicked a bag of gold into the guards. The people of the village surrounded the gold on the ground, blocking the road and allowing them to get away.

"No one gets the map unless I say so... Kitty, hold this for a minute."


Puss heard the cheers from behind, taking La Vida's invisibility to his advantage. "Good people, accept this golden gift from Puss in Boots!"

Kitty and Vida deadpanned, the former rolling her eyes at his pride and selfishness.

Before Vida could say anything about Perrito's surprising driving skills, a whistle echoed through the streets. She felt the anxiety and panic from Puss's aura, turning her head back and searching through the crowd for him.

There he was, but his attention wasn't on Vida. His eyes glared red toward Puss, warning him.

He placed coins in his eye sockets, foretelling Puss's fate. His smirk was a deadly thing and it only made matters worse for the ginger kitty's quivering soul. Vida watched as his fur stood stiff and his posture changed from prideful and joyous to distraught and paranoid.

Did she feel guilty? Maybe. Was she going to cancel this bet?

Hell no.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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