Can't Sleep

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Narrator POV

Ava's sister had her friends over and they were currently downstairs and for some reason she can't sleep so she went downstairs to ask her sister for help but her sisters friends had other plans.



I've been twisting and turning for hours at this point and I'm exhausted but I can't go to sleep.

I got up and went into the bathroom to see dark circles under my eyes being as this has been happening for awhile now I started looking through the cabinets to see if we had any meds for sleep but nothing.

I sighed and left the bathroom going downstairs where my sister would be most likely maybe she knew something that I could use to go to sleep.

"Hey sis, um do you have anything to make someone go to sleep?" I asked out loud yawning as I waited for an answer only to be met with my sister's friends.

" I-I'm sorry I'll go back to my room." I stuttered as I quickly went back to my room not waiting to embarrass myself even more than I already had.

I went into my room quickly closing the door behind me before laying back in bed.

"Guess I'm pulling an all nighter then."

"Like hell you are." A voice said making my head snap up to be met with my sister's best friends I think their names were Jayden and Eliana?

They both were leaning against my door looking at me with a look I couldn't read both of them stepping into my room closing the door behind them.

"How long have you not been able to sleep?" Eliana asked both sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I- um awhile now I guess." I said as they shook their heads almost like they were disappointed.

"You should have told us sooner Ava we would have helped you." Jayden said making me embarrassed by the nickname as I hid my face making them chuckle.

"How about we cuddle you hm?" Eliana asked me lifting my face up with her thumb making our eyes met.

"I don't wanna be a bother-"

"You will never be a bother Ava." Jayden said sternly Eliana nodding in agreement.

"Move over a bit for us." Jayden said as I moved to the middle of my bed as they both got into their positions.

Eliana being on my left and Jayden on my right pulling me down on the bed, wrapping thier arms around me comfortingly.

"Close your eyes Ava." Eliana whispered in my ear nuzing herself into my neck.

"Get as comfortable as possible too." Jayden whispered as well also nuzzling herself in my neck.

I followed their advice and slowly I started to fall asleep with both of them on my sides entering a sleep land.


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