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Narrator POV

Reese got hungry in the middle of the night making her wake up her friend, Willow, to go get snacks.

Reese POV

I'm so hungry.

I went to the kitchen opening the fridge to see we had nothing to eat I thought about it for a moment before an idea came to mind.

Late night snacks.

I went into Willow's room quietly, making my way over to her shaking her lightly.

"Willow?" I whispered as she stirred looking up at me with semi-closed eyes.

"Reese? What's wrong?" She asked me quietly.

"You wanna go with me to get some snacks, you don't have to I just wanted to see if you would like too." I said quickly as she smiled sitting up.

"Sure I could use a late night drive anyway." She said as she stood up making me leave the room going to my own as she got changed and so did I.

"Alright let's get going." I said happily as she chuckled from behind me as we went to our car.

The drive was quiet as Willow drove us throughout the dark, quiet, streets of our city.

"So where are we going?" She asked me as I thought about it for a moment nothing coming to mind.

"I don't know actually I just want a snack I don't care where it's from." I said scratching the back of my head feeling bad.

"Sorry I just thought about it last minute." I apologized making her shake her head.

"Don't apologize Reese it's not your fault you were hungry I can't be mad at you for that." She said softly smiling at me.

"What about McDonald's?" She asked pointing at the McDonald's.

"Yeah we can do that." I replied making her smile as she turned into the McDonalds parking lot and into the drive thru.

When we got to the thing where you order the greeted us before asking what we wanted Willow looked at the menu before telling them as I stayed looking at the menu.

As she was talking I grabbed her hand squeezing it to get her attention which worked as she turned to look at me.

"I don't know what I want." I told her feeling bad as I couldn't decide.

"That's ok, what about a Oreo McFlurry?" She said pointing to it on the menu making me nod as she smiled and ordered it for me.

After that we pulled up to the window I went to grab my wallet just to find out I didn't bring it.

"I didn't bring my wallet." I said as she chuckled.

"You think I was going to let you pay?" She asked me as she had already handed them her card.

We waited for a little bit before getting our snacks Willow handing my McFlurry and put her chocolate shake into the cup holder.

Thats when I realized I was still holding her hand making me take my hand away not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked confusing me.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Take your hand away." She replied.

"Oh I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything so I took it away." I explained as she tsked taking my hand intertwining our fingers making me blush.

"D-do I have to pay you back?" I asked as she chuckled before replying.

"No this here is payment enough." She said lifting up our hands making me smile as the quiet car ride home continued.

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